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I was sat with my friends that had bought me a steaming cup of coffee to calm myself and warm me up from the harsh weather outside. They listened to me quietly as I told them about what just happened with Kingston and Apollo in the library.

"We were quite surprised that you left with him. We didn't know you even felt that way about him," Natalie spoke softly, tucking her beautiful straight blonde hair behind her ear, presenting how uncomfortable she was with this conversation.

"Nat, I told you already that nothing happened. I was shit faced and he took me to the lake in his Jeep and then that's it." My tears were back as Martie and Marirose walked into the coffee shop next ringing the chime on the door.

"You texted them?!" I whispered angrily at her feeling the blade of her betrayal hit me in my sternum.

"Karlie, all you have to do is tell them exactly what you told me and you won't get in any trouble. I know they know you're not like that."

Her and Kenny stood up from their chairs and walked passed the two new individuals coming into the room. Martie and Marirose both sat in front of me at the table and Martie held a sad expression. Did she rat me out too?

"Hey, are you ok?" Marirose reached out to lay her hand on my wrist from where I was holding my coffee.

My eyes were no longer producing any more tears but I could tell I was in for a long conversation with these two. The rims around my eyes stung tremendously and all I really wanted to do was curl up in my dorm bed and never come back into this hateful world again.

"Yeah, I'm fine," my chin quivered but no tears were produced.

"Karlie, what happened in Harry's Jeep?" Marirose spoke softly making sure the few customers the coffee shop had didn't hear it.

"I was outside and I was drunk. I just played a game of shot roulette with some of PIKE at Penelope's boyfriends house and Harry came out to talk to me. I don't know why he did or what his intention was when he got out there. We started talking about his Jeep and I asked him for a ride. There was nothing sexual about our conversation or the ride. I swear nothing happened. We went to the lake and we fell asleep there."

"There was absolutely no sexual relations right?" Marirose eyed me with eyes full of confusion.

"Absolutely none."

"What happened to you jaw, Hun?" Marirose reached out so she could turn my head and remove my hair from covering my sore spot.

I think she was expecting to catch me in my lie and discover love bites across my neck, but instead I knew she saw a nasty bruise forming.

"I was sitting with Harry in the library studying and Kingston came in and it was just bad news after that," I rolled my eyes thinking about my brother's betrayal also.

"Jesus, do you need to go to the clinic? I'll take you there Karlz," Martie spoke for the first time during our conversation and I guessed she was the only one out of Greek that still had my back after this rumor.

"No, thank you though. I'm just going to go take some Advil and hope the pain and swelling go down," I sighed twisting the coffee cup around on the table.

"I'm sorry Karlie," Marirose sighed with me and I knew she really meant it. I just didn't know if she was sorry that I had been pushed around by my brother or if she was sorry that I was seemingly taken advantage of by Harry.

"It's whatever. I can handle it," I stood up and walked away from them with my coffee held tightly at my chest.

The next day I didn't get out of bed. I stayed in my cocoon of blankets and pillows until the next morning, skipping my last day of lecture time. Natalie left early that next morning for her final and I soon gathered up enough energy to do the same. On my way to our class buildings, I had to walk by Greek housing and I could sense all of the pitiful eyes watching me. I kept my hair over my face to hide my shame and bruises. My jaw was all shades of purple and blue and to add to my look, I had a black eye from where I hit my brow bone on the table.

I went to sit at my desk and the professor glared at me for a second and then whispered in my ear.

"If you need to take the exam sometime other than today, I understand."

"No I'm fine," I answered unemotionally, pulling the answer sheet from his hands and starting to write on it. I felt everyone's eyes on me as I sat there trying not to cry again, but also trying to focus on the exam.

I took the entire class to take it and I was stopped halfway through the test.

"Ms. Andrews," the professor called to me and my chin quivered again. I was not going to cry and I was not going to let this stupid rumor take me off my game.

I looked up at him and he asked for me to hand in my test. Before standing up, I looked around the room and I was the only student left taking his exam.

"I'm not going to grade this exam if you come to my office on Thursday to write an essay exam."

"That would be so kind of you," I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Eight a.m., I'll see you there," he walked with me to the door.

"Thank you," I swallowed again. When I walked out of the building it was snowing huge snowflakes that immediately covered my lashes. It was the first thing to make me smile in two days and I felt my chest lighten and my shoulders go back instead of forward. I closed my eyes and threw back my head to revel in the beauty and calm that is snow.

The corners of my mouth turned up and I felt someone's body heat occupy my space on the concrete.

"I think we need to talk," the man from hell whispered down at me.

My face shot to his and I fought the urge to run. He looked just as upset as I was. I blinked my eyes several times with the melting snow on my lashes and followed after him to the parking lot.

"No way, I'm not getting in your Jeep," I turned around and headed back to my dorm.

"Karlie, stop it!" He was by my side and had my elbow in his hand turning me around.

"Shit your face," he sighed and the sour expression he held made me want to cry. "I'm going to fucking mess Kingston up."

His previous plan now abandoned, he was on a mission to beat up my brother for what Harry caused. "Fine I'll get in your Jeep, just leave Kingston out of this."

He stopped at the other aisle of cars and turned on his heel before dusting the snow off on a car and compacting it between his fingers and throwing it at my feet. i jumped away from it with a hidden smile on my face.

"Fine. Let's go," he walked to the other side of the car and jumped in. I took a deep breath and sat down next to him as he drove off campus. What the hell am I thinking?


TFM: Total Frat Move // h.s. [COMPLETE]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora