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He drove us down a few populated streets on campus while I ducked my head between my legs so no one could catch me again and start up more rumors that I would appreciate so much.

"The coast is clear," he mumbled turning the soft buzz of the radio up a little more.

I sat back in the seat and realized we were on the highway now. Where was he taking me? He stayed quiet for longer than I expected on our dreary ride down the country side of South Carolina and I was beginning to think he was chickening out talking to me.

"Are you just taking me for a joy ride, or...?" I questioned him with a mock expression and a role of my eyes.

"First of all, next time you role your eyes at me, I'm going to really take you into the back seat and show you what happens back there. Your choice," he spoke harshly and I swallowed against my now dry throat. I crossed my leg over my knee and decided I better stay quiet until he was ready to talk.

However, he pushed my buttons and I was ready to provoke him even more. It was second nature to me to piss people off. He wouldn't force me to have sex with him anyway.

"Next time you tell everyone I had sex with you, how about I tell them you forced it on me. Say you gave me these bruises," I shrugged my shoulders and casted a look over at him as he clenched his jaw and tightened his grip on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white.

"You don't know who you're messing with," he sighed and calmed himself, obviously trying to hide his true emotions, angry and afraid.

"I know exactly what you're doing, Apollo, and I get it. I completely understand why you have this complex to seem high and mighty when you're really just a scared little man." I reached out to hold his wrist to show my sincere acknowledgement of his issues. "Listen, some guys just aren't as lucky, you know, with their dicks, but that doesn't mean their personality has to make up for it."

He smirked and rolled his eyes before removing my hand from his arm.

"Oh shoot. You rolled your eyes. Was that just a one way threat or can I do something about that?" I curved my head towards his and I was surprised as he jerked the steering wheel to the right causing me to fall off my game and squeal with surprise as I reached out to hold onto anything to regain balance in his car.

"Karlie, you really need to be careful," he spoke through his teeth as we went on a bumpy dirt road.

"Shit, you southerners really do go off-roading. What the hell?" I held onto the side of the car and bounced all the way to the end of the driveway. At the end, a large white house appeared and I was awe struck with its beauty. The snow was no longer falling but the roof was dusted with a thin layer. Trees covered the property, hiding the sweet cottage in the woods from public viewing. The paint was chipping off at the roof and I could see a few misplaced lawn chairs here and there, making me wonder who's house this was and why was there outdoor furniture still outside in the winter?

"Get out," he ordered and once he was turned around I rolled my eyes. He walked up to the front door and I followed behind but farther than he probably wanted me. I didn't want to be able to be grabbed at any time, just in case I needed to make a run for it.

"Apollo, why are we here? You're not answering any of my questions," I sighed as he walked into the house, me staying on the front porch.

"Because they're annoying me. And we're robbing this place," Apollo called out as I ran inside to drag him back out of the place as soon as he finished his sentence.

"Harry! No! I'm not doing this!" I grabbed his wrist again as he started up the stair case and tugged as hard as I could, resulting in him rolling his eyes and tugging harder on me.

"Karlie," he laughed. He fucking laughed about robbing this place.

"I'm not ok with this! Take me back now," I was on the verge of crying again and I was soon no longer pulling on Harry but he was pulling on me to follow him up the stairs.

"Karlie, this is Martie's grandparent's house. They passed away last year in a boating accident. I'm just here to grab a few things for her. I promise we're not doing anything illegal," he laughed at my distraught face and I punched his shoulder hoping that would help the humiliation and anger I now felt, but it didn't.

"Hey," he grabbed my elbows angling my body towards him more. "I'm sorry," he looked down at me trying not to upset me anymore and also held a small grin to show that he did think the situation was funny.

"You're really funny, Harry," I rolled my eyes and spoke with sarcasm walking up the stairs without him. My anger was gone, but instead my humiliation was spread across my cheeks in a red blush.

When we got to the top stair, I felt him pull my hips to a door and pin me up against it with his body.

"Harry, w-what are you doing?" My breath came fast as he pushed his hips into mine and the pinch of my skin proved he was holding my wrists at my sides.

"You rolled your eyes," he looked down at me with hunger clear in his eyes.

"I'm sorry," I squeaked out, feeling the obvious sexual tension he was having.

"You're sorry?" He grinned and spoke quietly into my face, his eyes now soft and full of lust.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," I swallowed as his head dipped down into my neck and brushed his lips across the sensitive skin under my jaw.

"I'm sorry, too, about the rumor," he placed a wet kiss at the bottom of my ear more on my neck.

"You started it," I whispered trying to push him off me with my hips. It caused him to lean harder onto my abdomen and squeeze tighter onto my wrists.

"You think I started a rumor about having sex with you?" He laughed and threw his head back finding whatever this was as a joke. I was his joke.

"It's not funny," I pouted with my eyes tearing up and my throat becoming full of emotion.

He stared down at me for a moment and let my wrists go. "Why are you upset?"

Are you serious? Why am I upset? Why am I upset! Oh I don't know, maybe because the whole school thinks I'm a whore, or perhaps because it almost got me kicked out of my sorority for the known whore trait.

"Because I don't understand why someone would start that intentionally," my face crumpled in sadness and I dropped my head into his chest to cry away the betrayal I felt.

He stood there surprised by my forwardness to have him comfort me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, holding my shaking body to his. I don't know how long I cried but I do know I felt better afterwards.

He kissed the top of my head and brushed his fingers through my hair as I took soothing breaths. "I never wanted this to happen to you."

"I didn't either," a giggle escaped from my throat, surprising both of us.

He stepped back and held my face between his hands, looking at me like a protective and caring friend. "I'll find out who did this to you, alright?" He tucked my dark hair behind my ears and wiped off my tear streaks with the pad of his thumb.

"Ok," I said through my tight throat, admiring his concern and pure beauty.

"Ok," he answered with a smile. "You'll be all right," he promised me.

And weirdly, after this sexual-turned-soft moment with him in this hallway that smelled like bleach, I felt calm and more connected to him than any other person on campus. I wasn't afraid of him nor did I second guess him. I knew he would take care of it and I just hoped it wasn't one of his brothers that began the rumor, because then he would have to choose sides and that tested both of my new found trusts in him.




TFM: Total Frat Move // h.s. [COMPLETE]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon