"I don't know. I don't think he does either."

"Okay. When are you seeing him again?" Stiles asks. During this entire conversation he's had a cold edge to his voice, one that I hope he will never use when talking to me. It's unnerving.

"He's picking me up at the animal clinic after work," Scott answers.

"All right. Well, that gives me until the end of the school day then," Stiles says, and Scott and I both look at him.

"To do what?" Scott asks.

"To teach you myself."

"Woah. Woah. I'm not sure if- That's pretty much playing with fire," I tell Stiles. It's risky playing around with Scott's anger. Potentially deadly.

"Says the firefighter," Stiles retorts.

"The firefighter's coming with you guys to make sure the entire school doesn't get burned down," I say, continuing the stupid metaphor.


During lunch, Allison drags me to her table to tell me about an old legend involving our family as monster hunters, which she found while researching for a history task. While she tells the story I can't help but feel like Kate told her too much by giving her the werewolf necklace. Now Allison's realising there's a connection between us and the supernatural, and a part of me thinks it's only a matter of time before she finds out about everything.

I don't want her to.

After Lydia almost has a flashback looking at the sketch of the legendary wolf-like beast, which is also worrying, Stiles sends me a text.

'Lacrosse field. Free period. Scott's Yoda I will be.'

I lightly laugh, catching both Allison's and Lydia's attention.

"Who are you texting?" Allison asks smugly.

"Stiles. It was a Star Wars reference, okay?" I say.

"Of course it was. You're becoming quite the nerd, Grace," she says. Before I can answer, my phone buzzes with another text from Stiles.

'I said it backwards.'

This idiot.

'I noticed that.' I text back.


"Okay, so what is all that stuff you're carrying and what are we gonna use it for?" I ask Stiles.

Free period has just started and we rushed to the lacrosse field immediately, even though I still have no idea what for.

"This is a heart rate monitor used for track, and coach's phone. We use this to keep track of Scott's heart rate, because the idea is that maybe he has to control that to control his wolfing out," Stiles says.

"Because when he gets angry, his heart's beating like crazy," I say.

"Yeah," he says.

"That doesn't even sound that stupid!" I say.

"None of my plans sound stupid!" he says.

"Uh, well-" I begin, but Scott interrupts me.

"Guys, are we gonna do this now or what?" he says.

"Yeah, put the strap on," Stiles tells him, and Scott does as he's told, attaching the heart rate monitor to himself.

"Now you stay here," Stiles says to Scott, and Stiles gestures for me to follow him, creating distance between us and Scott.

Maybe I Was Wrong (Teen Wolf: Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now