Chapter Forty-One

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I wake up to a susprise. Jackson. He sits on one of the chairs bouncing his feet around looking worried.

"Jackson?" I mumble. He pulls his chair closer and says, "Hey." I sit up a little but immediatly stop trying because my wrists start hurting like hell.

I start to get sick again but swallow it down. "Look, Jess, if it was anything I did or said that made you hurt yourself-" I cut him off.

"It wasn't you Jackson. You did absolutley nothing wrong." He looks relieved.

Jackson then goes on to tell me I won't be able to fight again and that I won't be allowed to go to the fighting centre to learn moves.

I knew that obviously. Jackson leaves and I'm left with a book for company. I manage to read the whole thing before getting sleepy.

But I feel weird this time. Not the usual drowsiness that you get before going to sleep, but a sort of heaviness that weighs me down.

All of a sudden I can't breathe and I'm struggling for air. The nurse rushes in and rapidly taps the machine. A series of beeping goes off.

My eyelids droop and all of a sudden I'm out cold.

It's late in the night. Around 12am. I'm playing games with Sam, but were just fumbling and scared about Jess.

My phone buzzes and I grab it desperetley. I answer it and say, "Hello?"

"Hi! Is this Chandler Riggs?" A nurse. "Yes- yes it is! How's Jess?" I ask hurriedly.

Then the nurse say, "Not good. Her heart's stopped."

QOTD: Fears?

AOTD: Fire (personal reason), drowning and my family being hurt.

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