Regina turned to see who dared to steal the last box of her ultimate comfort food from her. It was a tall blond man with eyes as blue as the box. He wore a green button down shirt under a leather jacket, paired with dark pants and shoes. If she hadn't been so angry and tired, she might have noticed that he had dark circles under his eyes like hers. Or that they didn't detract from his handsomeness.

Instead, she only saw red. "Excuse me," she said, putting all her bite in her words. "I was going to take that box."

"Sorry, milady, but I got it first." He dropped it into his cart and began to walk away. "Good night."

Regina jumped in front of his cart. "Oh no. You don't understand. I need that box."

"Why? It's just macaroni and cheese." The man crossed his arms.

"No, it's not. It's the ultimate comfort food and I need it because I've had the worst day ever. No, scratch that. I've had the worst week ever. So all I want to do is go home, make some mac and cheese, curl up on my couch in my pajamas and watch some mindless reality show while eating the ooey, gooey cheesy goodness."

He moved from behind the cart, coming nose-to-nose with her. "Look, lady, I get it. But I got it first. You can just go to another store. Good night."

Regina had nothing to stay, mostly because for the first time she realized how handsome her foe was. He was taller than her, forcing her to look up into his bright blue eyes. She felt her heart speed up and she fought down the butterflies taking flight in her stomach. This was not the time to get infatuated.

By the time she recovered her senses, he had walked away. Regina's shoulders slumped and she wondered if there was anything else that could provide the same comfort as macaroni and cheese. Maybe there was a Girl Scout somewhere selling cookies...

"Robin." His accented voice interrupted her musing. She was so lost in thought, she hadn't noticed when he doubled back to her.

She glanced at his outstretched hand before looking up at him again. "What?"

"My name is Robin," he repeated. At her confused look, he let out a little laugh. "I figured if I introduced myself, I wouldn't be a complete stranger asking another complete stranger over to his flat."

"To his...Why?"

He sighed. "I feel bad. So I'm taking a chance and asking you to come share the mac and cheese with me. I'm also a really good listener, I swear."

The rational part of Regina's brain told her to say no. That it was a bad idea, the start of a murder mystery. It told her to go to another store or to just get drunk instead. Sure she would have a hangover in the morning, but at least she'd still be alive.

Yet there was the part of her that was tired. The part fried from the week she had had, the part that was craving mac and cheese, told her to go with him. At least she'd get her comfort food and maybe get a chance to vent about everything.

A Thief and a QueenWhere stories live. Discover now