Chapter 43

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Allowing the girls to guide her to the bathing room, Viserra concealed her annoyance as the guards insisted on following. They stepped into the steam-filled chamber and she was keenly aware of the men's presence. No longer could she hold her tongue as she felt the irritation boiling just under her skin.

"Surely even under the close watch of the crown, a highborn lady is afforded the privacy to bathe without an audience," she spoke with irritation.

The guards exchanged a look and for a moment, she thought they might refuse to leave. Ultimately, they stepped out of the room, waiting close, just outside the door. A relieved sigh left her mouth as she felt herself relax without the pressing eyes of men.

Once emerged in the water, the soothing warmth and the company of a familiar face almost made her feel as if things had not changed so drastically. After a few moments, one of the girls left, leaving Cassella the only one in her presence.

Leaning in close, her voice was barely above a whisper as she spoke. "Keep your wits about you tonight. If someone is to reach out, be ready to follow whatever they might propose." Cassella scanned the door with her eyes as she spoke, ensuring that the communication went unnoticed.

Viserra nodded subtly, feeling her chest tighten with anticipation. "I understand," she replied, ceasing the conversation. The thought that there was something in the works to free her from this place was both exciting and overwhelming. She knew that there were close eyes on her and she would have to place full trust in others in hopes that it would not backfire.

After the bath, Viserra returned to her chambers, escorted as was usual. The girls took their time readying her for the night, donning her in a gown she did not have any say in and fixing her hair in an updo of sorts.

The maroon gown was of traditional Westerosi style yet it fit her in all the right places. Her ribs had healed considerably since the initial insult but she was pleased that the clothing did not press too hard on the afflicted area. Overall, she found she looked just as the other Ladies of the court there, nothing special, yet nowhere near anything bland.

After she was readied, Viserra was made to sit alone in her rooms. Each moment was filled with her attempting to talk herself down. Her mind replayed the interaction she had with Cassella and the anticipation of what this night might bring.

When the door finally opened for her escort to the feast, she was greatly displeased to find Daemon there, smug as ever. She suppressed the urge to display her disdain, instead taking in a long breath and trying to hold onto the knowledge that she would soon have a cup of wine in her hands that would calm her nerves.

"You are to escort me to the feast?" She inquired. "Do the guards not suffice for the evening?"

Daemon's reply was dismissive as usual, his tone laced with the very arrogance that defined him. "It is my nameday feast, I will escort whomever I please," he retorted.

Biting back her frustration, she realized that expressing any further disapproval would do her no good. She reluctantly accepted his offered arm, her skin wanting to melt away from the contact.

"You clean up nicely," he observed, sparing only a moment to look her up and down.

She met his words with a forced smile, the comment only adding her dislike of the man.

As they made their way to the great hall, Viserra could feel the burning eyes upon them. The last feast she had attended here had been after Aemond returned from Storm's End, making this now all seem so surreal. The memory now seemed distant, like a past life that had been put behind her many moons ago.

Rhaenyra was already seated at the high table, watching intently as her king consort arrived with another woman on his arm. Being sat directly to the side of her, she felt oddly vulnerable. Giving Rhaenyra a respectable bow, she was pleased she responded with a nod.

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