Chapter 35

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Over the next few days, the uncertainty of Aegon's fate cast a shadow over everything in the castle. Viserra busied herself with practicing in the training yard and flipping through new books in the library. In truth, she tried anything to keep her mind occupied from the grim possibilities of their future. One afternoon, even contemplated flying out to meet the returning party, wanting to assess the damage first hand. However, the fear of confronting the worst kept her feet planted there on the castle grounds.

Since the night of his return, Aemond had intentionally kept his feelings about their circumstances tucked away. Witnessing Viserra unravel at the news had made him acutely aware of the profound bond she shared with his brother. Despite the deep jealousy he felt when thinking of it, he reminded himself of the way she also sought refuge in his arms...unveiling the depth of their connection as well.

Neither of them had ventured to push the others' boundaries in the days that followed. Viserra mostly kept to herself, keeping both a physical and mental distance from the others. Plenty of talk was happening around the castle, but the whispers would irritatingly cease when either of the dragonriders made their appearance in a room.

No matter how preoccupied Viserra kept herself during the day, sleep seemed to elude her each night. The restlessness persisted for a few days, casting shadows and doubts on her thoughts.

On the fifth sleepless night, she found herself in front of Aemond's chambers. She stood in front of the door, taking a deep breath in before raising her hand to knock. When he answered, she was relieved to find he welcomed her in without question.

Aemond walked back to the sofa in front of the fire and picked up the book he had been reading. Part of her was surprised that he did not interrogate her on why she showed up to his rooms this late at night. Quietly, she came to sit down next to him, curling herself into a ball and letting her head rest on his lap.

Without any words, he gently ran his fingers through her hair, letting her choose whether or not she wanted to discuss what had been troubling her mind. The unspoken connection between them conveyed more than words ever could. And for the first time in those few days, the outside world seemed to fade for just a brief moment.

At some point, Viserra ended up surrendering to sleep. It was unclear how long it had been since she closed her eyes, but when she opened them, she noticed the fire had dwindled significantly. As she came back to her senses, she felt Aemond's still hand resting on her hip, his slow, quiet breathing giving away that he too had fallen asleep.

It must have been past the hour of the owl based on the darkness outside of the window and the quiet in the castle. The only ones awake at this hour were the guards and the tiny animals that scurried about in the absence of the Keep's usual business.

Listening closely, Viserra thought she could hear distant footsteps somewhere out in the halls. Her suspicions were confirmed as the hurried footsteps grew closer and closer. She closed her eyes again as she prepared herself for the imminent knocking that might soon echo against the chamber doors.

Viserra's heart seemed to pound in the same rapid rhythm of the urgent footsteps. The anticipation charged the air around her and she felt it through each nerve in her skin. She knew, with certainty, that there could only be one reason for the sudden disturbance at this ungodly hour.

The dowager queen burst into Aemond's chambers without waiting for permission to enter. Her entrance was so abrupt, that Viserra could almost feel the energy vibrating off of the walls. As Alicent's eyes fell upon them on the sofa, she came to an abrupt halt. Her expression twisted with surprise as she grappled with the unexpected sight of them together at such a late hour.

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