Chapter 4

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It might have been the evening's wine or maybe the comforts of the warm bed, but Viserra did not have trouble finding sleep that night. She played the interactions with Aemond over and over in her head before finally shutting her eyes, trying to ignore the strange feeling that stirred in her chest when imagining his face.

He had been right about her needing to be careful, the game that was being played here in the castle would end up costing many their lives. The Hand was no fool, he had indeed heard about Viserra's dragon and her skill with the sword. She had been summoned to be a weapon for his disposal once the real chaos commenced. There would need to be much care in establishing allies and gauging who would be dangerous to deal with.

Viserra opened her eyes in the morning to Elia, lightly tapping her arm and holding a candle close to her face. "Lady Viserra, it will soon be dawn. I have brought some bread and butter to break your fast. Your leathers from yesterday have also been cleaned and laid out for you."

The room was still dark with only the faintest hint that the sun would soon rise outside her window. She crawled out of bed, taking the fur with her and wrapping it around her chest. The bread had been freshly baked, the butter mixed with the perfect amount of salt, it all had practically melted in her mouth.

Without prompting, Elia started working on Viserra's hair.

"A simple braid will do, but make sure my hair is pulled tight. I do not want it getting in the way in training this morning."

Elia nodded in agreement and took her time braiding the sides of her hair back. The long braid she finished with, was tight as requested and tied off at the end with a thick leather band. On top of her tunic and breeches, she chose a black leather corset to offer some protection to her core. Viserra had the slightest hunch that this morning would be challenging and there wasn't any reason to not be totally prepared. After helping her lace up the corset, Elia stepped aside as Viserra grabbed for her weapons.

"Elia, would you be so kind as to lead me to the training yard? I believe that I can get myself back to the castle gates, but would prefer someone to walk with me just this once."

Elia immediately nodded and without another word, she turned to lead the way to the training yard. The sun was coming up now, just peeking over the horizon and illuminating the hallways and corridors. She noted that the castle was very much alive at this hour, many servants and maids were scurrying about while starting on their daily duties.

The walk back to the front gates of the castle looked familiar and Viserra had confidence that she would be able to navigate it by herself from now on. Eventually, they reached the outdoor courtyard that was still shaded by the tall castle walls.

The yard had already started to fill with people looking to start their training early. The chaos of clanging swords and other various weapons rang like music to Viserra's ears. Wooden blocks and straw men were being mauled and there was low noises of groans and grunts from those training. On the sidelines there were a few onlookers, both women and men alike, observing the action and talking amongst themselves.

Viserra walked closer into the yard, scanning her eyes for the familiar one-eyed prince. It took only a second to spot him, his tall frame leaning against a pillar, his long platinum hair neatly tied back and his eye fixed right on her.

Once she descended into the chaos, many started to notice the unfamiliar woman curiously dressed to train. One by one, they started to either whisper to each other or silently stare.

Aemond was dressed in his own training leathers, his steel sword in one hand and the other resting on his belt. He was clearly ready for a fight and by the looks of him, he wasn't going to go easy on her.

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