Chapter 9

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The next week seemed to drag on as Viserra familiarized the routines of the royal family. Messengers had been sent to Rhaenyra and had returned with good news. The possibility of considering terms that would leave Aegon as king improved the Queen Mother's mood, and consequently, a sense of relief spread among those confined within the castle.

A good part of the day was spent with Helaena and her children. She found herself enjoying getting to know each of the twins and their small brother. Helaena, on the other hand, did not seem to be herself since the day of the coronation. She consistently was quite reserved and focused on her needlework for many hours each day. Though odd, it was not something that bothered her, and for whatever reason they seemed to find comfort in each other's presence.

The night of the coronation, Elia had indeed returned to Viserra's service. Though it troubled her that the girl wore many fresh bruises and seemed even more shaken when she finally laid eyes on her. With the best intention, she reassured Elia that she was safe in her care but urged her to keep to herself about any matters that she were to see or hear. The girl could only nod in compliance, her round eyes wide and filled with fear.

During the days, she also spent a lot of time thinking of her dragon, hoping that soon she would be able to leave for part of the day to be reunited with him. Occasionally she had felt him nearby, probably sensing her own restlessness and conflict over the matters at hand.

Most of her meals had been eaten in her room or in Helaena's chambers, Viserra thought it odd that she had not seen Aegon except in passing. She assumed that he was tied up learning his new role and responsibilities. In the few moments they held each other's presence, the tension was thick and it seemed as if he had wanted to speak more freely with her yet something held him back.

On the other hand, she had seen Aemond much more frequently, as he had joined them to break their fasts each day in Helaena's chambers. However, there was not much conversation to be held with him either. A few times, Viserra had caught him looking at her when she was busy talking with his sister. Each time she had caught his eye with hers, he quickly darted his gaze away. The behavior irritated her just slightly, but she was starting to get used to expecting the awkward interactions with him.

On the fifth day after Aegon's coronation and the morning that word was received that Rhaenyra possibly would accept terms, Otto arrived at Viserra's chambers. The knocking sent her scrambling her to her wardrobe to don her robe before allowing the guest to enter. While her mood was relatively pleasant to start, this man had quickly soured the taste in her mouth for the day before he even stepped foot in her room.

"Lady Viserra, I wanted to thank you for your allegiance on behalf of our Realm and King. Your skill and dragon will be incredibly important in securing the King's safety and rule here at court." He gave her a small bow but his actions seemed to only rub her the wrong way.

She would not show her disdain for the man, continually trying to play her cards right. Instead she smiled and engaged him in conversation. "Of course, you have shown me nothing but respect and hospitality in my stay here. It has been an honor to form relationships with those who share my blood." She hoped he would catch the meaning behind her statement .

"As you might have been aware, we are awaiting Princess Rhaenyra's agreement to our terms that would let peace rule over the Realm. However, we are no fool to the chaos and risk that is still there if she does not accept. We have sent envoys to many of the cities to gather our allies in case war finds its way to our doorstep," he informed her.

Viserra nodded, "I would expect as much. It is essential to plan for the worst even though we hope for the best."

"Prince Aemond has taken his dragon to Storm's End this morning to secure an alliance between House Baratheon and the King. Once he has returned, it would be my wish to speak with you both about the uses of your skill and both of your dragons. If we are to find ourselves at war, you will be important assets to the King's forces," he continued, attempting to butter her up with his words.

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