Chapter 36

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They walked through the castle gates as the sun began to light up the stone walls

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They walked through the castle gates as the sun began to light up the stone walls. Unlike most mornings, the training yard was empty and the silence was much more obvious in the absence of swords and shouts of soldiers.

On the steps that led into the inner castle, Alicent stood still underneath the archway. Her previously distraught demeanor had been replaced with one of eerie calm. She had composed herself quickly, Viserra thought, a skill that they both seemed to share.

"It pleases me to see you both return," she greeted, only her eyes betraying any evidence of grief underneath. "The small council have gathered, there are matters requiring immediate attention."

Aemond acknowledged his mother, briefly glancing at Viserra before continuing on. As she walked past the woman, they shared a look of mutual apprehension, neither saying a word to the other and maintaining the silence until they reached their destination.

Two members of the Kingsguard opened the doors as soon as they arrived and they all entered in without delay. Viserra stepped foot within the room and immediately noticed the unusual brightness that it did not usually have. The sun came directly through the tall windows, illuminating the walls and putting off a misleading sense that everything was at peace.

The rest of the Small Council sat quietly around waiting, watching as the three of them took their seats. She noticed Aemond glancing at her briefly as Alicent took the seat at the head of the table. The image was familiar, just as it had been before Aegon was crowned King.

"We have been dealt a difficult hand," she spoke, wasting no time in starting. "But we must not let this affect us and continue to show our strength in each coming day. Good will continue to prevail over such evil." Her gaze then shifted to the Grand Maester, who suddenly cleared his throat and shifted in his seat.

"The King's injuries are significant and the road to recovery is still uncertain," he started. "However, I have the utmost confidence in my skills and with the help from those who serve with me, we will spare no effort to bring His Grace back to full health."

A pained expression flashed across the dowager queen's face briefly before she reigned it back in. Taking the lead in conversation once more, she continued on. "We cannot falter in securing our position here in King's Landing. I assume that measures have been placed to ensure the security of the Keep is infallible?"

"Yes, Your Grace." Ser Criston Cole replied, turning then to look at Aemond and giving him a small nod. "We will continue to press forward and secure what is ours. Though we are all affected by the recent events, it is imperative to remain strong and steadfast no matter the obstacles."

Alicent slowly brought her eyes to Aemond as well and a heavy silence fell over the room. Taking in a deep breath, her tone shifted with her next words. "Aemond, in the King's absence and without an heir of age, it would be you to rule next in his place."

Aemond's outward demeanor remained indifferent, but Viserra noticed that his rate of breathing began to increase. "I will do what is required of me for the Realm," he spoke in a calm confidence while bringing himself to his feet. There was no doubt the significance of responsibility that came with this role, but unlike others, Aemond had prepared for this moment his entire life.

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