Chapter 33

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The soft bedding in her own room was much more comfortable than what Viserra had been sleeping on while traveling. Though her physical comfort was indeed better, it was not enough to shake the eerie emptiness of the castle.

Elia had brought the usual morning spread of food and tea to rouse her from her slumber, but she had already been sitting at her bedside awake. She found she did not have too much of an appetite and dressed herself shortly after finishing what she could stomach. Yesterday's promise to the children weighed heavily on her mind, just as well as her curiosity of how Helaena had fared.

Upon exiting her rooms, she found a bit of normalcy with the guard now standing there. Thankful that Helaena's chambers were not far from hers, it did not take her much time to find the Queen's doors. The Queensguard granted her entrance and she cautiously stepped into the chambers, noting that the atmosphere seemed heavier than usual.

The children were not there, but Helaena sat quietly by the window sill in an unnatural stillness. Delicate fragrances of burning candles brought a bit of pleasantry to the uneasiness and Viserra proceeded to approach the Queen with caution.

"Helaena?" She called. "I have returned." Her voice was quiet in hopes to not startle the girl.

Helaena did not make any acknowledgment that she had heard her or even noticed her presence.

Taking in a deep breath, Viserra brought herself even closer to the Queen. "I came to look for the little ones. I promised a visit to the gardens today."

Eventually, Helaena turned her eyes towards her, and for a moment, the room held an indiscernible tension. Her expression was lost, veiled behind the complexities of her own mind. "The gardens," she finally breathed.

"Yes, Jaehaera was delighted by the prospect of me spending time with her." Viserra continued to tread carefully, seeing that Helaena was struggling to pull herself from her own little world.

"Thank you," she spoke, giving her a small smile through the pained expression.

Viserra nodded and returned the gesture, hesitantly reaching out and placing her hand on Helaena's arm. She was thankful when she seemed to relax under the touch, leaving her to wonder how often anyone tried to really connect or pull her from her complicated mind.

"You have all returned safely," Helaena spoke, the words more of a statement rather than a question. For a moment, Viserra seemed puzzled. Had they truly kept the Queen in the dark about everything? Of course they had, reminding herself that her mother protected her at all costs.

"I have returned," she began, "but Aemond left last eve to join Aegon at Rook's Rest where they lay siege to the city."

Helaena's eyes widened and she looked sharply to her face. The sudden shift in her demeanor took her by surprise, though she did not understand why. She watched as her features contorted into a mixture of fear and anxiety, the air in the room growing heavier by the second.

Viserra held on firmly to the Queen's arms, attempting to ground her and bring her even the littlest bit of comfort. "What is wrong?" She asked, searching her face for an answer, worried it would not be something she wanted to hear.

"You left him?" Helaena asked, her voice suddenly panicked.

"Aemond is with him," Viserra emphasized. "Atop Vhagar's back he is more than capable of protecting them all."

Helaena only continued to stare, her gaze burning right through her and bringing another wave of unsurety.

"It was Cole's plan to send me back, I am to stay to protect us here in King's Landing." Viserra did not know why she felt so defensive but she was sure that something was not right. "Helaena, Aemond reassured me that he will oversee Aegon and make sure he-"

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