Chapter 27

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During the final hours of the morning, it was only the chambermaids who graced Viserra with their presence. She cherished the quietness, providing her with the opportunity to seek solace before embarking on the events of the day ahead.

She had neatly laid out the armor on her bed, studying how beautiful and well made each piece was. It would be a hassle to put it all on herself in a timely manner, and once she decided that she wanted to try it on, she thought briefly about asking her chambermaids for assistance.

The thought swiftly dissipated from her mind as her innate stubbornness prevented her from seeking such help. Slowly and carefully she dressed in the form fitting, quilted gambeson which made her think the actual armor might feel clucky and cumbersome over the top. To her surprise, she found the thin steel to hug her curves in all of the right places. It rested seamlessly on her mobile body parts, affording her the freedom to move effortlessly.

For a moment, she allowed herself to admire her reflection in the mirror. The excitement now seemed to grow with each passing moment. Perhaps it was the tangible experience of dressing the part, but she reveled in the sense of empowerment it seemed to grant her.

Finally, she grabbed her sword and made way out of the room, hoping that Aemond would not be difficult to track down at this hour. As she opened the door still lost in her own thoughts, she almost walked straight into a body that was standing in the doorway.

The tall, one-eyed man stood before her, almost as if he had been there for quite some time.

"Aemond," she gasped, gathering herself in an attempt to hide her surprise.

Arms crossed behind his back, it was clear Aemond was not as startled as she was. "My brother said that you will be leaving on the morrow," he spoke, his eyebrow raised in a questioning manner. "He claims it was him who thought it would be the best move, but something tells me that you might have had something to do with that."

Viserra thought briefly about deflecting the truth of the accusation, "Speak plainly, what is it that you are accusing me of?" She asked without letting her tone waver.

"I know my brother. He would keep you from the entirety of battle if it was his decision alone," he spoke, his gaze now shifting to her attire. Slowly, he inspected the armor carefully, patiently waiting for her to admit her part in this plan.

Although her initial instinct was to deny the influence she might have had, Viserra realized there was no point in trying to distort the truth. "Tell me that it isn't the most prudent option," she spoke firmly while crossing her arms in front of her chest. "We cannot leave the castle defenseless and the presence of a dragon on our initial siege will send a resounding message."

Aemond nodded, lingering his line of sight over the curve of the breastplate. "I did not say it wasn't a good idea."

She watched him suspiciously before finding her next words. His intent was not obvious and she did not want to unintentionally back herself into a corner. "All of us had discussed each possibility without agreeing on a solution. Putting emotions aside, letting Rhyn and I depart with the men tomorrow is the most strategic choice."

"Hm," he sounded, taking a step into her room and looking sharply down at her face.

"It would not be wise to leave Aegon here alone, and there is no need for two dragons to take Duskendale," she spoke with determination.

"Agreed," he said, untwisting his arms and bringing his hand up to brush the hair from her face.

Viserra felt her defenses soften as soon as his fingers grazed her skin. The discomfort of feeling out of control was something she knew they both shared. Little by little she became aware that he paid exceptionally close attention to her despite his quiet nature.

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