Chapter 19

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The beginnings of the war had started the moment Rhaenyra had heard of her son's death but it wasn't until the deed had been returned that the Greens had also felt the same darkness and reality.

In an attempt to keep all of the royal family together and safe from another attack, they were guarded in the King's chambers for the night. Alicent had taken to tending to her daughter who laid in the large bed. Helaena refused to speak but her quiet sobs were heard until she presumably had fallen asleep, even then, her mother did not leave her side.

The murder of the young prince Jaehaerys had shaken them all but Helaena had understandably taken it the hardest out of all. Alicent had detailed the entirety of the attack, horrifying her sons and Viserra alike.

First she had been bound and gagged, even after putting up a considerable fight. The mercenaries then sat, waiting for Helaena to arrive with the children. All of the servants and Queensguard had been killed upon their arrival, for the intent was to leave the least number of witnesses alive. They then separated the Queen from her children, taunting her to pick one of her sons for slaughter, representing an equal loss to avenge Lucerys' death in Storm's End.

Alicent explained that Helaena had first begged for them to take her own life, but the mercenaries threatened to assault her young daughter if she did not choose a son quickly. The distraught woman chose her youngest, Maelor, hoping that at his age he would not really understand. In a sick turn of events, they then took the life of her eldest son while taunting the younger of his mother's choice.

The men, who called themselves Blood and Cheese, had left quickly. It was not until the screams of the Queen had been heard down to the Serpentine Steps that more guards had run to find them.

Upon hearing the details, it took a considerable amount of convincing from their grandsire to prevent Aemond from seeking out the attackers. The promise of exacting revenge in a calculated move was the only thing that stopped him. Aegon also required deescalation, though his rage had been much more disorganized. The filling of his cups quickly brought him to a quiet, weeping mess, sitting on the couch to drink the sorrows away.

Viserra had sat with Jaehaera and Maelor while they fell asleep on a couch within Aegon's bed chamber. Once she tucked them in and was sure they were sound asleep, she left the other women and ventured back into the parlor. The brothers were not speaking, Aegon sitting on the settee with his cup in hand and Aemond placed in a chair staring into the fireplace.

It was only Aegon who acknowledged her presence when she walked into the room. He looked up to her when she approached him. His halfmoon eyes were red and swollen, evidence of his grief. This would be a turning point for him in his rule, she thought, though she was not sure if he would step up to the plate or if it would cause him to crumble.

"Tonight we rest. Tomorrow we plan." Viserra spoke, bringing her hand under his chin and pulling his gaze up to hers. The hurt in his eyes was evident as he realized the lack of quick action and underestimation of his enemies had likely made the attack possible.

Aegon then nodded, placing his hands on her hips and leaning his forehead on her soft stomach. She let her fingers run through his hair in an attempt to comfort him, realizing that it felt like soothing yet another child.

Briefly she looked to Aemond, who was watching them with a side eye. Even though he wore no clear emotion on his face, she knew he was acutely paying attention to their interaction. Rolling her eyes she looked back to the broken man in front of her.

"Go to sleep." Viserra commanded of Aegon, pulling herself away from him and gesturing to the sofa he was already sitting on. He did not need to be told twice, the many cups of wine had quickly caught up to him and the dizzying drunkenness was much easier to navigate whilst lying down.

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