Chapter 6

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The rest of the morning was spent wandering the castle grounds. They had walked by the stables, briefly through the Godswood, and ended up in front of the small council chamber. They did not enter the room but Aegon named each of the council members and their roles there at court.

About fifty feet from the small council chamber was the Great Hall. The massive room was completely empty, making the echoes of their feet and voices bounce loudly off of the walls. As they walked up to the sword riddled throne, Viserra felt her breath being taken away. Curiously, it looked exactly as it did when she saw it in her dream the night before her arrival. There had been tales that it had been forged from a thousand swords, blades of those who fell at Aegon the Conqueror's hands. Until this moment, she hadn't known if such tales were true.

For a girl who had always longed to learn more of her family, being in this room seemed almost overwhelming. Viserra walked up and took her time admiring the small details of each weapon forged to the floor.

"Something else, hm?" Aegon observed while joining her at the stairs.

"I have heard about the Iron Throne, but it is nothing like seeing it in person," she stated while walking towards one of the columns at the side of the room. The silence was loud but she felt like taking it in before attending a busy event where she wouldn't have time to appreciate it. The columns were not lacking in detail either, having been carved to tell stories of old. She ran her fingers over the stone's texture and tried to interpret the stories in her head.

Viserra was pulled out of her imagination by Aegon's sudden shift in energy behind her. She slowly turned her head in his direction to find that he was again studying everything but her face. It wouldn't be the first time she rolled her eyes at him today but this time she decided to call him out.

"Do you see something that interests you?" She taunted, fully turning towards him and leaning into the column.

He let out a small laugh and brought his eyes up to hers, "The image of you pinned under my brother today has been playing over and over in my head." He seemed to stop himself and think for a split second before continuing, "And I keep thinking how I could possibly get myself in that position. The problem is I believe you'd have me yielding in less than a minute if I tried."

A small blush crept across her cheeks, but not entirely for Aegon's comment as much as remembering those moments being pinned under his brother .

"You know, if I had a coin for each time I heard that from a man...I'd be bathing in riches," she laughed at him and his unoriginal confession, "Although it is not usually my opponent who gets to look down upon me."

He took a step towards her, bringing his eyes down to her cleavage before meeting her gaze again, "Gods, you are really something else. Do you realize that?"

She took the compliment and ran with it, "I do, in fact realize that. Although I am not for everyone. Especially not men like your grandsire who look at me and scoff with disdain."

"I would never look at you with such disrespect," he admitted, though there seemed to be an implication behind his comment.

She had been right about needing to look out for this one, what a bold statement coming from the prince when he knew no one was watching. The fire in his eyes felt like it was pulling something from deep within her as well. Viserra's mind was suddenly being torn in two different directions. Entertain the prince for her own selfish reasons? Or pull away and mind herself while she was still trying to figure out where she fit into this whole picture.

Viserra's decision had not yet been made on her allegiances for when chaos would erupt after the King's eventual passing. The open invitation to visit Dragonstone had been more than just a friendly one; she was sure that Rhaenyra would take her dragon and skills if that is where she decided to bend the knee. Why mind herself here? She did not owe the Hand or the Queen anything. She had not promised anyone anything yet.

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