Chapter 38

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Stepping into the Dragonpit, Viserra looked around admiring the century old stonework. The air was hot and thick and smelled of smoke. Wasting no time, Aemond approached one of the dragonkeepers who promptly descended down the steps leading into the dragon dens.

In only a few moments, the sounds of the large dragon shifting and climbing up to them echoed through the space. As Vhagar came into view, Viserra could not help but think she looked rather irritated at being disturbed. She scowled at the long spears that poked at her sides to guide her forward. Viserra scowled, noting that this was another reason she did not care to house her own dragon there.

Vhagar let out a low growl as soon as Aemond walked up to greet her, bowing her large head to make contact with him. "Rytsas ñuha riña. Tubī ao sōvegon lēda lanta," he spoke quietly, waiting to see if the dragon protested Viserra's presence. Hello my girl. Today you will fly with two.

Viserra moved closer, undeterred and curious. Her hand reached out slowly to touch the dragon's snout. Despite her intimidating size and gruffness, she showed the beast respect and no sign of fear. Watching her with excitement, a smile tugged on Aemond's lips. He had been unsure if a dragon would be friendly to another so close, but so far she showed no signs of rejection.

"Her size is even more impressive when standing right beneath her," Viserra remarked in awe. "Look at her scales, she is scarred and so rough from up close." As she ran her hand along the rough scales, she could only imagine the stories that the dragon would tell, if only she could speak.

"I do believe she likes you," Aemond's voice broke through her thoughts. "I was unsure if this would go over well, if a dragon would accept another rider in its presence."

Viserra nodded in agreement as the memories of meeting Sunfyre within these very walls flooded her mind. Her heart sank for a brief moment, thinking of the injured dragon that was still somewhere out there and separated from his equally injured rider. The bonds that each of them carried with their mount ran deep through their blood and she realized there had to be so much more to these magnificent beasts than they really knew.

Satisfied with how things had begun, Viserra realized it was now time for the real test. Aemond walked over to the ropes dangling from Vhagar's back, summoning her to join him. He ascended the ropes first and had situated himself in the saddle before Viserra even began her climb. Taking her time to not alarm the dragon, she carefully made her way up to Aemond and swung her leg over the saddle to settle in front of him.

"You could have at least had me dress for this," she whined, fussing over the placement of her skirts as she sat. Aemond did not reply but let out a small chuckle. She felt the leather straps cross her thighs and Aemond's long fingers securing her to the seat.

The massive muscles on Vhagar's back twitched and shifted as she adjusted to feeling the two riders in the saddle. And as Aemond took hold of the reins, she readied herself to take off. Each step that the dragon took sent vibrations through her body due to her sheer mass and as she picked up her pace in anticipation of taking off, Viserra couldn't help but feel the adrenaline rush through her veins.

This experience was different from riding Rhyn in every aspect. She almost forgot that Aemond remained steady behind her, his arms passing under hers and pressed to her sides. The wind rushed past them as they climbed into the clouds and Viserra closed her eyes as her hair whipped around her face.

Once in the sky, Vhagar's size did not seem to matter. The beating of her wings and ability to coast through the air were in stark contrast to how it felt when they were moving on the ground.

"What do you think?" Aemond asked, his voice carrying over the wind.

Viserra could not help but laugh, the adrenaline still rushing through her. "This is absolutely amazing," she replied. "I cannot believe you claimed this dragon as a mere child."

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