Chapter 32

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As Cole had predicted, the weather and winds were in their favor and they made it to King's Landing by midday. Viserra took in the sight of the city below her while guiding Rhyn in a large circle over the castle. With precision, she landed the dragon in front of the imposing gates.

Just like their first arrival to the Red Keep, the landing of the dragon caused the people below to scatter. Most likely already anticipating them, the gates opened swiftly, and she was welcomed by several guards.

Rhyn wasted no time taking to the skies once her feet touched the ground, disappearing quickly into the clouds. She followed the guards through the open gates, making her way into the castle's inner walls. Once she had climbed up the first bout of stairs and entered into the initial courtyard, she laid eyes upon two familiar faces that caused her to stop in her tracks.

Aemond stood tall with a neutral expression, while his mother burst into a mixture of worry and excitement, eagerly anticipating the report of where they stood in battle. When Viserra looked back at Aemond to find his eye locked to hers, she felt as if the breath had been stolen from her lungs.

In the days spent traveling with Aegon, his brother had remained easily in the back of her mind. However, now standing before him, she realized she had been suppressing the overwhelming feelings she had toward him as well.

Alicent quickly approached her and reached out to hold on to her hands. "What of Aegon? Has everything gone to plan?"

Viserra forced herself to tuck away the tumult of emotions and focus on the woman in front of her. Smiling, she proceeded to tell her of all of their successful endeavors. Aemond listened carefully, refraining from asking any questions at that moment and letting his mother be comforted by all of the good news.

The visible relief on Alicent's face did little to conceal the weariness of the dark circles under her eyes. Viserra couldn't help but notice the familial resemblance again between mother and eldest son. "You must be starved and in need of a bath. I will see that we have both prepared for you immediately."

Her maternal concerns of addressing Viserra's needs put a soft smile to her face. It was endearing, an almost silent acceptance of her presence there as if she was one of her own children.

With Alicent momentarily occupied, Aemond seized the opportunity to break his silence. Greeting her with a smile that attempted to harbor the intensity in his eye, he finally spoke."It is good to see you."

"It is good to see you as well," she replied, feeling the color rush to her cheeks. "Will you be leaving immediately?"

Aemond shook his head. "I will leave this evening."

They stood in silence in each other's presence for a moment. Viserra did not know why this interaction suddenly seemed so pressured.

"You must be tired," he assumed. His understanding words showed that he stayed in tune with her. With a nod, she let him take the lead out of the room, following behind him without any hesitation. In the silence of their journey, the weight of their unspoken thoughts lingered in the air between them.

Upon reaching Viserra's rooms, the chambermaids were already at work rushing to fill the tub.

"Do you intend to keep my company?" She asked, sure that she already knew the answer.

"Only if you wish it." Aemond answered, remaining respectful and considerate. "If you would like the assistance of doffing your armor, I would be happy to do so."

Grateful for the offer, Viserra nodded, granting him permission to assist her in the process. The room was again filled with silence as she stood there being slowly undressed. In the end, the padded fabric was the only barrier to remain between herself and the room's cool air.

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