Chapter 12

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Even though the stone walls of the Dragonpit shaded the interior from the warm sun, there was a comforting warmth inside the building

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Even though the stone walls of the Dragonpit shaded the interior from the warm sun, there was a comforting warmth inside the building. The Dragonkeepers led them to the ramp and motioned to wait while they descended down into the ground.

"How are they kept down there?" Viserra questioned, trying to see down into the pit.

Pleased that she was finally engaging him in conversation again, Aegon was happy to entertain her, "Below this floor there are many vaults where each dragon is contained and stabled individually."

"And they just....wait for you to need them?" She asked, feeling sorry for the creatures that were chained without the freedoms that her own dragon had.

Aegon looked at her, unsure of what she was insinuating, "They are fed bountiful amounts of meat and the Dragonkeepers care for them daily. I do not think they are suffering."

It surprised her that he did not see the dragons' restrictions as inhumane, "Do you think these large and beautiful creatures would rather be cooped up in a cave and hand fed lambs instead of flying the skies and hunting on their own?"

"I haven't really thought about it that way," he shrugged but did not seem to care enough to change his opinion on the subject.

They waited a few more moments in silence before the large footsteps of a dragon and the Valyrian commands from the Dragonkeepers filled the air.

Viserra watched as a dragon emerged up the ramp, its golden scales glimmering in the light of the flame that lit the area. Its beauty could not be described on paper, it was something that one truly had to see in person. The dragon had golden scales and beautiful pale pink accents on his wing membranes and chest. She could see why Aegon was so excited to show her his dragon.

"He's beautiful," she muttered.

Without a word, Aegon greeted his dragon with a gentleness that seemed almost out of character for him. The dragon seemed to almost predict his movements and met his rider with a friendly growl and nudge of his head. It was obvious that their bond was strong, something she hadn't had the chance to observe much with the other's and their own dragons.

"This is Sunfyre," he announced, as both him and his dragon turned to look at Viserra at the same time.

"Sunfyre," she repeated, making eye contact with the dragon and feeling a burning in her chest under his fierce gaze, "I can see why he was named as such. He is marvelous." Not knowing if the dragon would allow her to approach, she cautiously raised her hand and began to take slow steps towards them.

Sunfyre reached out to her when she was only a few feet away. The dragon's snout was cool to the touch beneath her skin and she reached up with her other hand to meet it. Aegon and the Dragonkeepers all watched in silence, unsure of how the interaction would go over.

"Raqiros iksan." I am a friend. She whispered in Valyrian. "Kesan ao daor ōdrikagon." I will not harm you.

Aegon watched them both and felt his breath catch in his chest. He could not describe or deny the way he was drawn towards Viserra but watching her interact with his mount stirred something deep within him. The bond between him and his dragon was indeed very strong, Sunfyre always gave him the unconditional respect and love that he lacked from very early in his life.

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