Chapter 8

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The day seemed to drag on. Not one person had stopped by her chambers, nor had she heard any footsteps outside. She nibbled on the pieces of bread and butter left from the day before and didn't hesitate to drink from the decanter of wine as well.

Trying to pass the time and keeping her mind distracted, she had cozied herself up on the couch and opened one of the two books Aemond had given her. While she was most interested in learning about Jaehaerys and Alysanne's legacy, she chose to start from the beginning anyway. Most of the stories telling of Aegon and his sisters were similar to what she had read in her studies at home.

Many of the happenings that occurred with King Jaehaerys' rule were only told by mouth in Essos. It hadn't been sufficient in satisfying her need to know it all. She was also eager to learn more about her grandmother Saera, who had been exiled to the Free Cities before her own father's birth.

Buried in her books, the sun had already started to set when she heard knocking on her door. Though before she could get up to answer it, a tray of food slid in and the door shut quickly afterwards.

She went to the tray, observing its contents before picking it up and bringing it back to the small table. She noticed a small piece of paper folded up under one of the plates and removed it while trying to undo the corners.

The note had obviously been written quickly, yet the penmanship was still quite beautiful.

It will all become evident as to why this was necessary.

Be clear on your allegiances when asked.

Someone will come to you soon.

Soon? What was soon? She did not have enough reading materials to keep her busy for the next few days. Reading the words aloud a few times, she realized that the reason she was locked in her chambers was not because of anything she did.

Be clear on your allegiances when asked.

It hit her like a ton of bricks all at once. There was only one reason that was important enough to warrant this type of treatment. The king must be dead. Now everyone would be running around planning the coronation of the son who would be placed on the throne, usurping his sister's position.

Those physically here when the King passed would have the upper hand. If they had locked the whole castle away, no one would be able to get word to Rhaenyra that her father had died. In turn, they would have a few days to plan before Rhaenyra had even realized her father was dead.

Viserra had been pondering where her place would be when this happened. She just didn't realize that it was going to happen so soon. Being locked in her chambers at the mercy of the Hand and the Queen, she realized she no longer had the opportunity to pick sides.

The note that was written to her had been clear, she would be asked for her support in crowning Aegon as king. At this point, the only other choice she would have would be to escape with her dragon and fly back home.

Thinking back to her interaction with Rhaenyra, Viserra realized that his own daughter had known that he was close to passing. That is why she was going to return to King's Landing until everything had settled.

The only choice for Viserra in this minute was to sit and wait until someone came to her.

Her mind then wandered to the moments Aegon and her had shared in the throne room up until she delivered a slap to his face. Her stomach felt like it was in knots. Aegon was impulsive and unpredictable, led purely by his urges and desires. What this would mean for him as King is something she could only imagine going poorly.

She had not continued reading for a long while after the food tray and note had been delivered. Her mind wouldn't stop thinking through the events of the past few days. She was worried about Elia, hoping that no harm had come to her. It was known that servants and chambermaids gossiped amongst each other so they must have also been confined with everyone else.

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