Chapter 20

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The sound of wood clunking into the fireplace jolted Viserra from her restless slumber. One of the servants had taken it upon himself to feed the slowly dwindling fire, and it was then she noticed there was no daylight yet coming from the windows.

Trying to shift her body, she soon discovered that the arm she had been resting on had gone numb due to the prolonged pressure. Her neck also ached and felt a bit stiff. Adjusting her position, she cast her gaze upward along the familiar leg beside her. Aemond's eye remained closed, his head tilted back in the chair just slightly. It was the most peaceful she had ever seen him look, she thought, his sharp features were relaxed and could almost be considered delicate.

Moving carefully not to wake him, she navigated through the uncomfortable tingling in her arm, a sign that sensation would soon return. The servant responsible for tending the fire appeared to hastily retreat as she rose to her feet. Puzzled by the peculiar behavior, she had to remind herself that these were not the chambermaids that were familiar with her.

Her instincts quickly brought her attention back to Aemond. While his body had not moved a muscle, his eye was now open and looking right to her. The furtiveness of his conduct was almost inhuman, something akin to a predator that was always watching the behaviors of other living things around them.

Aemond straightened his posture and quietly cleared his throat while she watched. From the way he was moving, she guessed he had felt just as stiff and sore as she did upon her waking. Breaking her eyes away from the prince, she looked to where she had last seen his brother. Aegon was snoring lightly, hair tousled and leg draping off of the side of the sofa. He certainly did not seem like he would be waking anytime soon.

What piqued her interest was finding the bedchamber doors were now open, having previously closed them herself when leaving the sleeping children earlier that night. Viserra stood still, quietly debating whether or not she wanted to peek inside the room and instigate an interaction with another. It was as if Aemond had read her mind because he was suddenly standing behind her looking in the direction of the bedchamber as well.

"We should see if my mother and sister are awake; someone clearly is," he whispered close to her ear. Shivers traveled down her spine upon hearing his drowsy voice; he had been closer than she had initially realized.

Looking back over her shoulder, she gave him a nod as he brought himself around her. Viserra followed close behind, careful to keep her feet light and not disturb anyone else that still slumbered. They had only entered a few steps into the room before Alicent appeared out of the darkness and into their path. She quietly shushed them and guided Aemond back out.

"Do not wake your sister," she whispered, taking care to close the doors behind her ever so gently, "You do not know the lengths it took to coax her into sleep. The Mother has granted mercy upon her to allow just a few hours of rest before waking again to this nightmare."

The unsightly hands of the dowager queen gripped Aemond's upper arms and it seemed like she might collapse at any moment. He brought his large hands under her forearms, supporting her at the elbow. Viserra noted that her face looked especially worn there in the candlelight, the dark bags under her eyes aging her at least ten years. It was the face of a woman that had grown up too soon and held all of the family's responsibilities on her shoulders.

"Your Grace, might I fetch you something to drink or eat. You have been caring for your daughter but has anyone helped you?" Viserra asked while taking a step closer to them. Part of her wanted to reach out with a gentle touch, something the woman most likely did not experience enough.

"No, no." Alicent refused, shaking her head, her face scrunching with the thought of eating. "I cannot fathom the thought of anything in my stomach at this moment. Your kindness is appreciated. I have just..." She paused and opened her large doe eyes to look right into Viserra's, "...seen too much tonight."

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