Chapter 10

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Leaning into Aemond's chest, Viserra could feel his heart beating against her back

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Leaning into Aemond's chest, Viserra could feel his heart beating against her back. It was not pounding like it had been earlier, but did not yet feel like it had settled to its resting rhythm. She listened to his steadied breathing as he struggled to put together the words.

"Lucerys is dead," he spoke. The statement was cold and to the point, his voice did not allude to any further explanation.

It took a few moments of silence before Viserra realized he was speaking about Rhaenyra's son. She took a deep breath in, sorting through the things she had heard and seen that night. The Hand and Alicent's conversation combined with Aemond's erratic behavior really only lead to one conclusion; he was somehow involved in the death. Deciding that it was not the time to speak in riddles, she proceeded bluntly, wanting to understand what exactly had happened.

"Did you kill him?" Her words were direct, causing Aemond to tense up behind her. Feeling the sudden shift in his body language, she turned herself just slightly to try and look him in the eye.

Aemond was looking in the opposite direction, intentionally avoiding having to make eye contact during this conversation. "It was not my intent to kill him," he stated, focusing again on steadying his breathing so as not to let himself fold under her questioning.

Viserra continued to look at him, hoping that he would bring his gaze back down to her. Gently, she ran her fingers down his arm while her mind slowly put together the significance of the events that had unfolded that day.

"Might I ask what you were intending to do then?" She questioned, hoping he would openly give her this information.

The only sound for a few moments was their breathing, both trying to process this moment. "My nephew flew to Storm's End while I was proposing terms for an alliance with the Baratheons. He came empty handed like a fool and was dismissed by Lord Borros. I demanded that he repay me for my disfigurement by taking out his own eye." Aemond still did not make any effort to look at her, "But the coward declined and took back to the skies on his dragon."

There was another moment of silence but Viserra did not push, letting him proceed at his own pace. She continued to bring her fingers up and down his arm and leaned her head back on to his shoulder. She hoped to relay that she did not feel any different towards him despite this confession.

"I took after the boy with the intention to frighten him but the storm made for poor visibility. Then his puny dragon blew fire into Vhagar's face." He paused again, taking a full breath before continuing, "She turned on them and would not listen to my commands to cease the attack. One snap of her jaws and there were only pieces of them left falling from the sky."

Comprehending the last sentence, Viserra stopped moving her hand on Aemond's arm, her eyes widened at the almost identical wording of Helaena's statement that morning.

A debt paid for the price of peace. Falling from the sky, the dance has begun.

Any doubt she had for Helaena's words had dissipated. His sister had seen this all happen before anyone else. She must have also known that Aemond would confess it to her if she found him when he came back. This revelation was incredibly important and was something she needed to try and understand. It meant that Helaena knew...everything.

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