Chapter 21

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The busyness in the castle had only increased over the few days that followed

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The busyness in the castle had only increased over the few days that followed. After two nights, the diligent searching by the guards proved fruitful when one of the attackers had been caught trying to flee the city. The guards at the Gate of the Gods had stopped a burly butcher who called himself Blood. Upon searching, they found that within his sack he carried the rest of the young prince. He had been promptly dragged into the Black Cells to await interrogation while the final funeral preparations had been arranged.

With each of those days, Aegon had taken to the skies with his dragon in the early mornings. Though he had not appeared to cut back on the number of his cups, his mind seemed to be full of clarity and he did not lack determination.

In an attempt to ease his restlessness, they had tried to figure out productive ways to keep him busy. By her suggestion, Viserra thought of inviting Aegon to the training yard after returning from dragonback in the morning. Though he had never seemed to take interest in training with the sword in the years before, Aemond agreed with her that it would only benefit them to make sure he felt comfortable wielding his namesake weapon.

The morning was still young and Viserra awaited Aegon's arrival near the front gates. It had been Aemond who informed her of the news and she thought it imperative to deliver the information to the king herself. A part of her had hoped to be able to show him how to turn his grief and anger into something practical, such as practicing his sword skill.

The sounds of the wheelhouse could be heard before the gates were opened and Viserra straightened her posture in anticipation of the King's arrival. Aegon was quick to exit the vessel as soon as the horses came to a stop, his rather empty expression warmed quickly once his eyes settled on his cousin who was waiting patiently behind a few of his guards.

"Viserra," he smiled, quickly approaching her once his feet landed on the dirt beneath them. She gave him a small curtsey and motioned for him to follow in her direction.

"I hope that you are not too tired to train with me this morning, " she teased, giving him small smile as they rounded the corner to the empty training yard. "I have made the liberty to clear the grounds so that we might not worry about spectators."

Aegon stopped for a moment, raising his eyebrow at his cousin. "No spectators, hmm?" A laugh almost left his lips with the words, showing the depraved nature of his thoughts.

"It pleases me to see that your spirits are lifted this morning. Though I do fear I have news that may sour your mood in turn." Viserra had lowered her voice, not knowing how Aegon would react to the information she bore.

The playfulness left his demeanor as she came to face him and placed her hand on his forearm. He shifted the weight on his feet, the nervous energy only detectable by one who paid close attention.

"What is it?" he spoke, looking firmly into her eyes.

"The other man responsible for the attack has been captured at the gates this morning," she breathed. "He is being held in the Black Cells at the moment, awaiting his time to be sharply questioned."

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