Chapter 3

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There was not a hint of surprise on his face when he made eye contact with her, the one eye seemed to burn through her own and his sharp Valyrian features were morphed into an unfriendly and unwelcoming expression.

"Hm." The quiet noise came from deep within the man's chest. "You certainly do look like a Targaryen. Although I hear that they breed the Valyrian features into women over there in your slave-ridden whore houses."

Viserra was taken aback by the malicious intent of his comment. The hospitality that had been given by the others was not going to be reciprocated by this one.

"Ah, are you familiar with the slave-ridden whore houses in which you say I am from?" Viserra taunted back, watching as his facial expression remained unchanged but his jaw had suddenly tensed.

"I am well educated in many subjects.... But I do not have a taste for depravity," he spat, his words were sharp and direct.

It was Viserra's turn to respond with a hum. Choosing her next words carefully, she continued to hold the tension filled gaze. "Speak plainly. I had no intention of throwing insults tonight."

The words he spoke next were filled with accusation. "I know my grandsire sent for you because of your dragon. He seems to not have any concern about inviting you here with such impeccable timing of the King's health.  You are the offspring of an exiled Targaryen who had previously made a claim for the throne with his last visit to this city."

Viserra rolled her eyes, she knew that her father had once come to King's Landing many years ago with that intent. However, the thought that she was here to try and do the same was absurd. A slight chuckle left her lips and she shook her head. "If you think I am here to lay claim to the throne, you are mistaken and might also be a little mad. I have no desire for ruling or power such as that."

"Doesn't everyone, if only just a little?"

"No," she answered quickly. "I am quite content doing as I please without that many expectations or responsibilities."

The small adjustment he made in his face showed curiosity at her response. "Then what are your intentions here? Answer wisely, you are being watched by those who are not easily influenced or taken advantage of."

Viserra thought for a moment before answering, mildly irritated by this interrogation. "Aemond, that is your name, is it not?"

"Prince Aemond." The response was sharp.

"My apologies...My Prince. You seem like you know much more than initially letting on. You know who I am, my family line, and where I come from. So you must also know that I am not simply someone from the Free Cities with Valyrian bred features because I also came with a dragon. I have spent many years with my father and grandmother being the only ones connecting me to my Targaryen history and it pleased me greatly to be invited here to meet others who share my blood. I can assure you that I have no ill intent in being here," she stated, hoping honesty would start to break down the tension that suffocated the room.

Aemond looked at her, pondering her response as he tapped his fingers on the book in front of him. "Have you questioned why the Lord Hand summoned you here, requesting the support of another dragon rider?"

"I have heard whispers," she stated, knowing her next words would also need to be chosen carefully. "I believe the display of hostility I witnessed at dinner confirmed this house is at war with itself. You have also mentioned the King's health. If I were to make a wild assumption, I would say that the House of the Dragon is not going to agree upon its current line of succession."

There were a few moments of silence in the room while both parties ruminated on the words spoken.

"I know why I have been summoned here. Sometime on the morrow, I would like to speak with the King himself on this matter. It would be my desire to have clear expectations while I am here." Her demand seemed to make Aemond's eye twitch while his mind worked to form a response.

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