Chapter 11

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The sound of shuffling footsteps had been the first thing Viserra heard the next morning

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The sound of shuffling footsteps had been the first thing Viserra heard the next morning. Opening her eyes she found her two chambermaids scurrying about, one carrying a bucket to fill the bath and the other just a few feet away with a cup of tea in her hands.

"Good morning M'lady, I hope that you found sleep easy." Cassella greeted her with a smile while gesturing towards the steaming drink, "I have brought the tea you requested from the maester this morning."

Slowly scooting herself up in bed, Viserra hugged the furs around her body. She then took a look at the tea, before looking back at Cassella. "What is it?" She questioned already having a hunch on what was in the brew. It was uncommon for her to be presented with tea in the morning and she assumed that it had been sent with a specific purpose.

"I am not sure, but I was told that it was important to get it to you first thing upon waking. Was it not your request?" She asked again, cocking her head to the side and waiting for her answer.

Viserra took the cup of tea into her hands and brought it up to her nose. The light floral scent was pleasant but it was almost overpowered by one that smelled of mint. She suspected that this was a tansy tea of sorts, one that would prevent any unwanted consequences from the night before. Putting it to her lips, she took a small sip to confirm it was what she thought it to be.

"Thank you Cassella," she smiled. Her eyes then wandered to Elia, who was on her way out of the room to fetch another bucket of hot water, "I do not remember requesting a bath this morning either. Is it safe to assume that someone has requested my presence?"

Cassella nodded, watching Viserra continue to sip on the tea as if she was taking note of its consumption. "Yes M'lady. The King has requested everyone to break fast together in the dining hall. I thought that we would have the bath ready for you upon waking so as to hasten your arrival."

Viserra nodded at the chambermaid and set the cup aside. The taste of the tea wasn't terribly unpleasant, but she felt like she had to choke down the brew on her empty stomach. "Of course," she stated while pulling herself to stand, still hugging the furs around her body.

Following her to the bathing room, Cassella gathered soap and oils from a small box and a larger bath blanket for after. Viserra dropped the fur from around her body and went to step into the bath, finding that the heat of the water instantly soothed her sore parts.

Letting herself sink down into the steaming water she watched as Elia came in with the last bucket to fill the tub. The chambermaid knelt at her back, reaching for the soap and quickly getting started on helping her bathe. As soon as she lifted the hair off of Viserra's neck, she spotted the bruises laid neatly where her neck and shoulder met.

"Oh Gods, what has happened?" Elia exclaimed as the other chambermaid came over to see what the commotion was about. Cassella took one look at Viserra's neck and let out a snicker.

"Shall I go to the maester and find a salve for the marks, M'lady?" She asked quietly, "Elia, let the lady be and finish with her hair." She watched as Elia looked wide eyed at her and back to the fresh bruises.

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