Chapter 26

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In the days following the instillation of the new hand, there seemed to be a shift within the castle walls. Whereas everyone previously had felt on edge, there was now a newfound determination that came with the promise of action.

As expected, Otto Hightower did not hesitate to inform the dowager queen of his removal as Hand. It had prompted her to come running to the King's chambers to both scold and beg her eldest child to rethink his decision.

The words fell upon deaf ears, however as the brief glimpses of determination that Aegon previously demonstrated appeared to be there to stay. It was clear that he had finally decided to take his anger and grief and use it as fuel to rule the kingdoms placed in his lap.

Each day he had made it a point to check in with the high council to ensure the productive planning was continuing to take place. He had put his full trust and faith in the new Hand to carry out his wishes regarding swift action. Something they all agreed was an absolute priority.

Aegon also made it a point to visit Helaena more, though Alicent was frequently tending to her daughter's wellbeing and was hesitant to let others see her in such a state. Viserra continued to at least attempt to spend most mornings sitting there in her presence as well. She would read quietly, occasionally looking up to watch the girl blankly stare out the window. Though each time she tried to engage her in conversation, it failed. It was as if Helaena could not hear anything but her own thoughts except on the rare occasion she asked about her children.

Each time Aegon left the Queen's rooms, he seemed more motivated to seek justice for the loss of his child and the further decline of Helaena's sanity. It served as a constant reminder that the attack from his half sister was meant to tear down the ones he loved. The concept of it all was something that continued to cause him a great deal of anger and concern.

Aemond did not share his brother's worry, instead he seemed to feed off the anticipation of the upcoming warfare. He spent much of his day training and if not found in the yard, he was taking the time to fly his dragon through the skies. Most of the time he flew alone, but there were a few days that Viserra and Aegon had joined him.

Only a few private conversations took place between all three dragon riders. Though the topics discussed between them remained exclusively about the future conflicts of the Realm. In the privacy of the King's chambers, they would gather together shortly after the high council meetings. Though the words they shared would not ever be privy to the other members.

A week after Otto had been dismissed, there seemed to be a true change of tides there in King's Landing. A list had been produced naming each lord who attended Rhaenyra's coronation and proceeded to swear fealty to her. This gave the council confirmation of who was to be tried as traitors and helped with the details of their offensive planning.

It was decided that one dragonrider would leave with Ser Criston Cole and take an army of men up to Duskendale. Though the debate of who would fly to this first battle seemed to be something not easily settled between them. It was presumed that the city would fall easily, though it seemed most wise to still utilize one of their dragons for anything that might come up unexpectedly.

The morning light slowly began to shine through Viserra's window. Opening her eyes and letting them adjust to the sudden brightness, she looked around for a moment before finding the sleeping figure beside her.

Had they fallen asleep in her chambers? A few trailing thoughts ran through her mind as her eyes then fell on the empty decanter of wine sitting on the table. She did not seem to have any problem pacing herself on her cups except when she found herself drinking in Aegon's presence. The night's memories slowly came back to her as she looked next to the scattered clothes laying all over the floor.

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