Chapter 14

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"Hm." The noise came from Aemond's throat while he kept a stoic face. It was enough to reassure Viserra that he wouldn't make another comment in the moment and she turned away from him to climb the stairs.

While his footsteps were quieter than most, she could hear them following behind her. Mostly out of spite, she chose to ignore him altogether until reaching the doors to her chamber.

Opening the unguarded entrance, she could hear the chambermaids scurrying about, most likely starting to fill her tub at the dowager queen's command. Slowly, she entered the room, worried about alarming them with her bloody appearance. Her worry, however, had been warranted when Elia came out of the bathroom and almost startled herself into a panic.

"Hush, it is alright." Viserra reassured, "It is not my blood."

Elia's big eyes looked back to her and she did not dare reply. Maybe she just did not like the sight of blood? Sighing and turning from her, she watched as Cassella came through their door with a large pot of hot water. She too almost jumped at the sight, but did not have quite the reaction as Elia.

"M'lady, you startled me," she breathed while slowing down her approach. "A-are you alright?"

"Yes. I was not harmed." Viserra repeated while giving the door a soft push to close and stepping further into the room.

Halfway expecting Aemond to follow, she was slightly surprised at the soft thud of the door that had closed behind her. Mayhaps she was wrong in assuming that he would want to talk with her about the events of the day. Though part of her thought he would enjoy the opportunity to scold her like a child instead of hearing her side of things.

"Is the King alright?" Cassella asked, still unwavering from her place across the room.

"Yes." Viserra replied, only halfway paying attention to the girl's words. She kept her eyes on the door with an almost anxious anticipation.

Nodding in acknowledgement, Cassella continued on with her previous task to bring the water in. A brief moment of silence passed between them all before the knock came to the chamber doors.

Viserra smirked to herself, entertained by the thought that Aemond attempted to maintain a bit of formality. "Come in," she welcomed.

He opened the door almost immediately and entered while bringing his hands to his back again, "Lady Viserra. I would like to speak with you."

Both chambermaids quickly lowered their gaze and continued scurrying about, knowing that it would be better to play blind and dumb than just sit and stare.

"About the private matters of events that occurred today." Aemond motioned towards the girls who continued on pretending like they were not paying attention.

"Let them fill my bath and then we will speak. You are welcome to come sit while you wait." Viserra motioned to the armchair in front of the fireplace while she spoke, "I would join you in sitting but I fear I would dirty the furniture."

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