Chapter 16

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From the moment Aemond and Viserra walked through the doors, all eyes were on them

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From the moment Aemond and Viserra walked through the doors, all eyes were on them. The booming bustle of people had quieted down as everyone turned to see who had arrived. Starting with the prince, they were formally introduced as they walked side by side up to the royal table.

Holding her head high, Viserra made eye contact with each lord who dared to look her way. Only a few stared back with the majority breaking their gaze within a few seconds. It wasn't until they had almost reached their family that she turned her attention to those sitting at the front table.

Looking up, the first eyes that she met were the ones of Aegon. The unabashed smirk that he wore across his face as he looked her up and down hinted that he was indeed pleased with her presentation. She did not return the smile, but held a neutral expression as they finished their walk to their chairs.

It was not a coincidence that the two seats next to the king had not yet been filled. They quickly took their places with Viserra seated in between the two brothers. Looking past the king, she saw the face of Helaena who gave her a friendly smile. Next down the line were the Dowager Queen and the Hand, both whose faces held little emotion that could have rivaled her own.

Aegon wasted no time with the room still quieted down and the royal table now completely seated. He stood, raising his cup of wine to toast his brother's most recent venture. Aemond's stiff posture and complete lack of expression hinted that the whole scenario might have made him uncomfortable. If Aegon had picked up on this, he did not seem to care.

"It is our great honor to welcome my brother, Prince Aemond, home from Storm's End. After securing a powerful alliance of House Baratheon with a betrothal to Lord Borros' daughter, he bravely fought and eliminated a son and dragon of the False Queen. If they choose to come and try to take my throne, the Blacks now have one less rider and dragon to fight with!" Aegon's voice was dripping with confidence while speaking. It was only the sweat beading up on his forehead that gave away that he was also quite nervous. "We might all take note of his bravery and devotion to his King. A toast to the good beginning of my reign, that our enemies see that they will be met with blood and fire if they stand in our way. To Prince Aemond, my dearest brother, the true blood of the dragon."

The room burst into excited cheers as Aegon raised his cup again, this time those in the Great Hall raised theirs in unison. Viserra raised hers as well, happy to start on a cup of wine for the night. She had only been there a few moments before she longed for a drink to take the edge off of the tension that simmered across the table.

The confidence that radiated from the king was surprising. It had been the first time she had heard him address others where he actually sounded like a ruler. She did not know if this was a good or bad start to the night, but raised her cup to join in for the toast nonetheless.

Aegon's voice boomed over the crowd once more, the people quieting down quickly in response. "I would like to make another toast to my Volantene cousin, Lady Viserra Targaryen. A formidable warrior and dragon rider alike, she has pledged her support and will surely be a fearsome foe to any of those who challenge my crown."

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