Chapter 24

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The room was dimly lit, the flickering candles casting shadows across the walls

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The room was dimly lit, the flickering candles casting shadows across the walls. Viserra took a moment to compose herself as she waited for Aemond to join her. The room seemed untouched since the last time she had been there but she now had the time to walk around and study the little details where he found his solace.

As the minutes ticked by, she found herself growing increasingly restless. The walls seemed to close in on her, and she couldn't shake off the anticipation of what this confirmed information would mean for their next move on the warfront.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the door creaked open and Aemond stepped into the room. His expression was unreadable, his one eye fixated on her. The air between them crackled with uncertainty for a moment before he finally spoke.

"The council members are being notified, we will meet this afternoon." His tone left little for interpretation.

"That is good news," she replied, "I believe we are overdue taking more serious action."

Aemond approached her and she turned towards him in response.

"You defied me," he spoke, his voice low and measured. "Your actions were rather reckless and impulsive."

Viserra studied the seriousness of his eye, the darkness and warning that came from his statement. For a moment, she almost wavered in the confidence of her own decisions even though it was not in her nature to do so. Narrowing her eyes, she looked back to him, a burning irritation building in her chest as his words sank into her.

"I do not believe you are one to lecture me on reckless and impulsive behavior," she hissed, watching as his jaw clenched in response to her words. "Do not forget the blood on your own hands, Aemond."

He took a step forward, his voice low and now seething, "Do not presume to lecture me," he retorted, "I feel the burden of my actions each waking moment, but I will not tolerate your impertinence."

Viserra stood her ground, her own anger simmering beneath the surface. "Impertinence?" She snapped in defiance. "You speak of impertinence while somehow sitting upon an imaginary high horse, judging me for my actions? I do not see a crown upon your head. I am not yours to command. "

Both of them remained still, a heavy silence hanging in the air as their words echoed in the dimly lit chamber.

Aemond's gaze bore into her, his anger almost palpable. He had always been the one in control, someone who commanded respect and did not usually have difficulty obtaining it. But in that moment, faced with Viserra's defiance, he felt it slipping through his fingers.

"If you are to fight alongside me, this will not be the only time we disagree on such a thing," she spoke, breaking the silence, her tone still firm but slightly softened. "You must find a way to work with me, to trust me, or our strength together will fall apart on the battlefield."

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