Chapter 37

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Aemond had been surprisingly agreeable to the idea of speaking with Helaena. Though Viserra felt this had more to do with her persistence on its importance. Two days in a row he joined her in the Queen's chambers with the hopes they would be able to once again break through the girl's outer shell.

It was, however, more difficult to convince Alicent to let them spend time with her daughter. Viserra recognized just how fiercely the woman protected her children and she was thankful for Aemond who managed to ease her fears and eventually allowed them to go.

Their efforts, however, proved futile as the Queen continued to remain withdrawn and in her own world. While she initially smiled at them and seemed pleased to be in their presence, she would not speak. Viserra wondered how long she could continue to drearily gaze out of that window before she would be forever lost within herself.

While Viserra remained undeterred, Aemond was quick to move on to more pressing things happening around the castle. On the second morning they had visited, he was eager to leave after an hour of unsuccessful engagement. Viserra, however, decided the day would be best spent providing Helaena company. Occupying herself with a book, she reclined on the nearby sofa, hoping that at some point, she might catch a short window of clarity.

The Queen's chambermaid brought a midday meal and Viserra had found herself reading the same two pages over and over with tired eyes. Closing her book, she left it on the table, approaching Helaena and crouching down beside her.

"I will come tomorrow," she promised, "and break the night's fast with you."

Helaena looked away from the window, meeting her eyes and flashing a soft smile. Feeling hopeful, Viserra held still for a moment, giving her the chance to speak if she had wanted. But just as quickly as she turned to her, she seemed pulled right back into herself.

Viserra let a sigh escape her mouth, briefly placing a soft hand on the Queen's shoulder before taking her leave. Carefully closing the doors behind her, she turned to find Alicent seated in an armchair. Her face was soft and filled with curiosity.

"Did she speak to you?" She asked.

Viserra shook her head. "No, but I do think she enjoyed my company this morning. I will return tomorrow."

"It pleases me that you care for her," she smiled, pausing for a moment. "Aemond has taken the children to the gardens for lunch, if you wish to join them."

This surprised her. She had not known Aemond to watch over the prince and princess on his own accord. "I will head that way then."

Viserra couldn't help but wonder if Alicent had strong-armed him into spending time with the children. Though he sometimes seemed to enjoy their presence, he was not really the one that emitted a softness that little ones might find comfort in.

Making her way through the corridors, she realized that the darkness and heaviness of the last week was finally starting to dissipate. Everyone seemed to be hustling around in their usual business and plenty of busy noise was echoing off the stone walls.

Eventually, Viserra reached the entrance to the gardens, greeted by the usual pleasant smell that hid the stink of the city well. There, under a tree, she spotted Aemond seated on the ground, arm resting on one knee with his other leg stretched out in front of him. Beside him, the little princess sat quietly, nibbling on some sort of treat. The children's nursemaid chased after Maelor nearby, the child giggling as he continued to run just out of her reach.

Viserra paused for a moment, taking in the sight before her. Though it was heartwarming to see the little ones happy and interacting with their uncle, she could not help but feel melancholy that at least one of their parents should be present with them.

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