Chapter 29

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The early morning came quickly and Viserra had been awakened by her chambermaids and a warm plate of food

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The early morning came quickly and Viserra had been awakened by her chambermaids and a warm plate of food. She was grateful that Aegon had left earlier in the night because she truly did feel rested, her mind clear and focused for the day ahead.

While forcing herself to eat through the butterflies in her stomach, she let the girls braid her hair neatly in hopes she would not have to bother with it over the next few days.

In the final moments of finishing her braids, there was a knock to her chamber door before it swung open and a set of footsteps came into the room. Turning to see who the intruder was, Viserra was pleased to see Aemond. Cassella quickly tied off the last of her hair with a ribbon and they moved out of the way as he approached.

Like always, he was neatly dressed, his features and hair standing out against his black clothing. In his hands, he carried a long and slender package, something wrapped in a leather cloth and handled with care. As soon as they made eye contact, he greeted her with a warm smile and she saw that his violet eye was shining unusually bright.

"I have something for you," he announced, walking to her before taking himself down to one knee. Carefully unwrapping the item, he revealed a sword held in a decorated scabbard.

Her eyes widened at the display and she reached up slowly to receive it in her hands. Though she had a hunch at what had just been presented to her, she was hesitant to unveil it. For a brief moment, she continued to study it before slowly unsheathing the blade. Her breath caught in her throat. The dark metal and the waving pattern gave way to what she held in her hands.

The magnificent piece had been forged with both metal and sorcery like all other blades made of Valyrian steel. The hilt was decorated with the black heads of two dragons and a blood red gem set beautifully on the pommel.

Viserra knew this blade well, she had wished it to be hers since she was a small child. Her grandmother, Saera, had come into possession of it during her life in Volantis, and as it tied them to their only blood across the narrow sea, she had kept and cherished it until her passing. For the last decade, Viserra believed that the blade had been lost. Her father had denied knowing of its whereabouts and had discouraged her curiosity in finding its location.

"Aemond," she breathed, looking up to him with her eyes still wide. She had always dreamed of wielding a sword made of Valyrian steel, this sword, and somehow he had made it a reality.

"Though I would like to take responsibility for acquiring it, your father is the one who deserves your gratitude." He stood and offered his hand to Viserra to join him.

"My father?" She gasped. "You have heard from him?"

Aemond nodded and watched as she tested the weight of the sword in her hand. "It came with the last ship of sellswords that arrived yesterday." He pulled out a small piece of parchment and before he could present it to her she snatched it from his hand.

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