Chapter 17

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"Do they not have parties in Volantis?" Aegon bantered, making his way to her by the fire, "Save my mother, I have never seen such an unamused lady at a feast."

Part of her wasn't surprised when he showed up at her door but it did not make his tormenting any more welcome. She was still stuck on the insolent behavior he exhibited earlier on, the foolish demand that she was to be disarmed herself for a dance.

"We have plenty of parties where I come from. But this is the first one I have been to in a city that should be preparing for war." Viserra brought herself to her feet..

"Is something the matter?" He asked bluntly, his face revealing that he was both not pleased and confused by her response.

"Quite." Viserra snapped back, putting the cup of wine on the table and facing him again with her arms now crossed over her chest. "And it is even more offensive that you seem to have no perception of it at all."

The look on Aegon's face was just as infuriating as the misdeed itself. It was clear that he was perplexed by her anger and she realized she would have to explain it out as one would do with a child. Although there were many things that she would have liked to get off her chest at that moment, she chose to only confront him about the blade.

"Are you cross with me for making you dance with the Lannister lord?" He puzzled, his face again relaying the authenticity of his confusion.

"I am cross because you disarmed me for no reason, Aegon," she sighed, holding her arms tighter at her chest. "I had made my wishes clear but was not going to make a scene by defying the orders of a king."

There was a moment of silence that fell between them, the crackling fire being the only sound that resonated in the room.

"Gods, Viserra, there was never any danger, it was all in trusted company. To dance with a sword on your hip as a woman would be rather odd, do you not agree?" Aegon whined as if it was Viserra who had been unreasonable.

Her mouth remained slightly agape and her sharp eyes fixated on him while attempting to form a reply. "Would you ask one of your knights or your brother to disarm themselves in a similar situation?" She questioned, hoping to get the point across.

He stared back at her with a furrowed brow, the wheels finally beginning to turn.

"Aegon, when I wear my blade on my hip it is not simply for costume."

Again, the silence held the room as he processed her words. "Did you truly have the intention to use it tonight?" He asked.

"If needed. Why would one wield a weapon if they had no intention of using it?" She asked, baffled at his ignorant audacity.

Aegon thought about her question, realizing that she was quite serious. He had come to the understanding that she had shown up to the feast untrusting and prepared. "I do see where my actions may not have appeared to be in your best interest," he admitted while shifting uncomfortably on his feet.

Viserra brought her hands down from her chest, the beginning of a mutual understanding seemed to relieve some of the tension they had both felt. "It was not in anyone's best interest," she reprimanded, "Not mine, not yours...not for any man who would already doubt me in defending your crown. Many of your lords have now seen that I treat my weapon simply as decor."

"I doubt that anyone has any less respect for you after tonight." Aegon stated, "I had simply wanted you to enjoy yourself as a woman at court. To forget about duty and the darkness that will be soon at our doorstep. It was not my intent to embarrass or diminish you."

The sudden acknowledgement of the impending war surprised her. "So you do acknowledge that we could have retaliation on us at any moment," she asked.

"Of course," he started, "but it will take time before Rhaenyra is able to plan and implement such things."

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