Nuzloft Tournament Part Two

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'Where is that girl... She didn't go the other way, did she?'

Kazuma thought as he walked around the perimeter of the arena. He was nearing the end where an entrance to the waiting room was located, and where Naruto was likely waiting.

He had chosen to go in the opposite direction Aqua tried to go when he initially stopped her, thinking she would go this way in an attempt to throw him off. But there was still no sight of her-


Kazuma activated his Lurk skill as he walked up to an open door and heard a familiar voice on the other side. Peeking inside the opening, he saw Aqua standing by herself in front of a pair of doors.

'They probably have separate rooms for the contenders. We did see them exiting in two different places.... Is she deciding which one to enter?'

As if to answer the boy's thoughts, Aqua grumbled.

"Ugh... Why did they have to make this place so confusing? I don't want to walk into a room with some random stranger!"

The Arch Priest complained while looking back and forth between her options.

"Guess I'll go in this one-"

"Hold on a second!"

Seeing as she was clearly about to walk into a stranger's room, Kazuma deactivated his Lurk and flung the entrance open.

"Wahhh! Kazuma!? How did you know I was here!?"

Aqua shrieked and nearly dropped her bag. She fumbled with it in her hands a few times, but somehow managed to regain her hold.

"Hah! Did you really think you could outsmart the person that's been with you the longest in this world? Come on, we're going back to our seats before you cause any trouble!"

Kazuma boasted before walking up to the girl and grabbing her arm.

"Noooo! I can't go back before giving these fish to Jerry! It's really important, Kazuma!"

Aqua whined and dropped to the floor like a wet noodle.

Honestly... It was like dealing with a toddler with this one.

"It's really that important to you, huh?"

Kazuma asked with a raised eyebrow, and when the girl looked up with teary eyes and nodded he let out a sigh.

The world really didn't need another Eddy, but seeing Aqua's face made it hard for the boy to say no...

Is what anyone without a backbone would say!

"Come on, Naruto doesn't want your stupid fish! He made his feelings crystal clear!"

"I knew you were a heartless scumbag, Kazuma you jerk! Trash! To think I was going to keep the fact that you keep a drawing of a girl that suspiciously looks like Naruto under your mattress a secret!"

"W-w-w-what!? I knew you went snooping in my room! That really was my emergency fund you spent on our carriage ride, wasn't it!?"

Aqua paused in their struggle and averted her gaze, causing Kazuma's temper to rise to a whole new level.

"You biiiitch!"



The two jolted when the door slammed open, and a ferocious looking man glared down at them.

"Be silent."

"Y-yes, sorry..." x2

Kazuma and Aqua ceased their fighting and bowed in an apologetic fashion.

A Shinobi's Take on this Wonderful WorldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin