A Rival for this Beast Tamer

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"Who's that?"

Naruto wondered aloud as he made his way back to Jerry who was patiently floating in the lake, waiting for its master.


Joe shouted as he ushered Zard towards the lake.

Megumin yelped and braced herself to sink like a stone, but to everyone's surprise, the lizard hopped onto the water and continued its stride on the lake's surface.

"Lizard Runners can run on water? That's good to know."

Naruto mused and patted Jerry on the head to ease the toad's nerves from the sudden approach of another monster.

As soon as they were close enough, Joe sprung into the air and landed on top of the Giant Toad with his arms spread.

Zard circled around the amphibian and ran back to land, with Megumin staring at Jerry with saucer-like eyes. Even partially submerged, the toad was impossibly large compared to the last time she'd seen him.

"Is this a giant toad!? I've never seen one in real life before! Its skin is so smooth!"

Joe cooed while essentially making a snowflake out of the thin layer of slime on Jerry's back.

"Finally! Someone who appreciates Jerry's greatness! You've got good taste, kid!"

Naruto exclaimed and hopped onto the back of his companion to join the eccentric newcomer.

But it was strange. He felt Jerry's apprehension completely disappear the moment the kid had landed on the toad. While Jerry was a lot tamer than most giant toads, Naruto was surprised at how calm Jerry was with the stranger.

Was that a Beast Tamer skill at work?

"Wait, I got distracted again! What was that thing you used to make the Octopus Boxer disappear like that!?"

Joe suddenly jumped to his feet and pointed at Naruto's shinobi pouch.

"Oh, this? It's called a Scroll Ball. It's a magic item that lets the user carry monsters around with ease. Like this."

Naruto explained and pulled out Jerry's signature orange Scroll Ball and dropped it onto the beast.

To Joe's amazement, the Giant Toad was sucked into the magic item which caused them to fall into the lake.

"That's aweso-Gurgle~!"

The Beast Tamer cheered as he plunged into the water.


Naruto sheepishly muttered and pulled the kid out of the water, opting to carry him piggyback-style. He couldn't help but smile at the boy's enthusiasm.

Zard, who had successfully dropped Megumin off near Aqua and Darkness, ran back onto the water.

"My name's Naruto, the Unpredictable Ninja of Axel. What's your name, kid?"

Naruto asked as he started making his way towards the land.

"I don't know what a ninja is, but I'm Joe. The number two Beast Tamer of Nuzloft, but soon to be number one after tomorrow's tournament. Oh, and this is Zard."

Joe declared while gesturing to himself confidently then stuck his arm out, to which the Lizard Runner grabbed with its teeth as it passed by and proceeded to yank the boy off of Naruto's back.

Startled, Naruto whirled around and watched as Zard tossed the kid up into the air and onto its back. As the pair passed by him again, the younger boy grinned as he revealed the armor under his sleeve.

A Shinobi's Take on this Wonderful WorldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon