Food of the Gods

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Adventurer's Guild...

"Phew... I'm glad that's over with."

Dust said as he leaned forward onto the cool bar counter. After he went after the leader of the hooded men, they had an epic fight. The boy was sure that he made quite an impression on everyone who had witnessed his glorious victory.

At the battle's conclusion, Naruto ran back to town and came back with the authorities.

"I can't believe that guy was aiming for Lynn... He was such a nice guy too, unlike a certain someone. I still have a lot to learn."

"Right? I guess it goes to show that you really can't judge a book by its cover. Unless it's that guy."

Taylor and Keith, the two male members of Dust's original party, muttered while looking at the delinquent adventurer.

"Why do I get the feeling you're talking about me? Bah, that can't be. After all, I just saved their sorry asses. If it weren't for me, those creeps would have gotten Lynn and taken her to a secluded place to treat her like royalty for the rest of her life."

Dust proclaimed with his nose held high. After all, he had defeated their leader.

"When you put it that way, maybe going along with those guys wouldn't have been such a bad idea. Especially when you consider the fact that you used me as a shield to gain the advantage in your fight with their leader."

Lynn commented with a neutral expression, causing the blonde adventurer to sweat profusely.

"How do you know that!? I-I thought you were asleep the whole time!"

"You just told me."


Dust winced when he stepped into the now frowning girl's trap. Lynn really knew the way his thought process worked it was almost kinda scary. But seeing as she wasn't going to press on, or fire magic at him, he decided to hastily change the subject.

"By the way, Boss. I gotta question for you. I really appreciate your help this time around, but there's no denying that there's something suspicious about you."

"Hm? What do you mean I'm suspicious?"

Naruto, who had been watching the group's interactions from a nearby table with Yunyun, asked with a crooked smile. How could Dust of all people claim that he was suspicious? He was the very definition of suspicious.

"I've been meaning to confront you about this for quite some time now, but you're the reason that all of those rare and powerful monsters keep showing up, aren't you?"

Dust claimed while pointing an accusing finger at his fellow blonde, earning a few strange looks from the other three.

"W-well, you see... I have an incredibly high luck stat, ya know? Also, stronger monsters are attracted to powerful entities, right Yunyun... Ah."

Naruto stuttered and turned to the mage of his party for help, but the girl was fast asleep with her head rested on the table. Maybe it was best to leave her be...

"Don't bother asking that kid for help, Boss. It's because of something she said that made me realize something was off, so, out with it! What are you doing to make those dangerous monsters appear?"

Dust further questioned, and this time Naruto hunched over in defeat.

"Alright, you got me... I bought a magic item that increases the chance of encountering rare and powerful monsters. Its effects are amplified by the user's luck."

The shinobi admitted while pulling out the necklace from under his vest.

"Y-you... You had such a dangerous item on you this whole time!?"

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