A Festival for These Two Loners

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Naruto, wearing a casual white t-shirt and orange pants, met Yunyun at the park around noon. He found her standing by a lamp post in her usual outfit, which consisted of a black buttoned shit and pink skirt.

The Crimson Demon was watching the numerous amounts of people walking in groups with a lonely expression, but her face brightened immensely upon noticing the shinobi's bright yellow hair.

"Hey, Yunyun! Did you wait long?"

Naruto asked as he walked up to the girl.

"N-no, I just got here!"

Yunyun lied while nervously shaking her hands out in front of her face.

The truth was, she had been waiting there all morning. Naruto had originally suggested walking together the day before, seeing as they were right next door to each other at the inn, but the younger girl didn't want to be a bother, so she insisted on meeting up later.

In the end, they agreed to meet at the park at noon. However, Yunyun became too anxious in her room and ended up leaving early.

"Oh good. Let's go check out the stalls then!"


With that said, the two set off to enjoy the festival.

While it wasn't necessarily a holiday today, the townsfolk were celebrating the recent increase in Axel's financial standing.

With the back-to-back defeat of high bounty targets, the Dullahan and the Destroyer, the Town of Beginners had gained quite an economic boost, so the roads were filled various stands for food and games alike.

There was even a happy street performer doing tricks to earn money from tips on the side of the road.

Yunyun found out about the upcoming celebration from an old lady whose fruit stand she frequented.

Of course, it was only because of Naruto's persistence in paying her back that Yunyun managed to build up the courage to invite him the previous day.

'Ugh... I should have just agreed to walk to the park with Naruto-san from the inn. It probably would have been easier that way... In the end, I'm just causing Naruto-san more problems...'

Yunyun thought with a depressed look growing on her features. She had been so nervous, she even skipped breakfast.

'Ah... those meat kababs look tasty...'

Yunyun's thoughts became driven by her growing hunger when she noticed a kabab stand, but she quickly shook her head. She didn't want to bother Naruto after making him walk all the way to the park just to meet up with her. Besides, what if he wasn't hungry?

Seeing the troubled face the mage was making, Naruto followed her gaze to the kabab stand. The steam coming from the grill was basically reflected off her crimson orbs, it was almost too pitiful to watch.

"Two please!"

"Right away!"

After ordering the kababs, Naruto walked back to the wide-eyed Yunyun and held one of the sticks out to her.

It took a little convincing, but the boy managed to get her to accept his treat, and the two ate together on the side of the road.

Tossing his stick to the side, the shinobi pumped his fist into the air enthusiastically.

"Alright! Let's go check out some of the other games-"



Yunyun lowered her gaze as she held her stomach, the tips of her ears burning bright red.

"...Wanna get some more snacks first?"

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