Panty and Bra in Hand

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Aqua yawned as she groggily opened her eyes and looked around, the gears in her mind turning as she woke up.

It was then the events of the previous day came to her.

So she screamed.


This was to be expected considering what had happened to her. Aqua's image as a goddess had improved, and she could feel her following rising even now, but none of it was because of her own efforts! It was all a big lie!

A big, stupid, orange lie!

Aqua jumped to her feet. Now wasn't the time for sleeping! She had to avenge her image as a goddess!

"It's good that you're feeling better, but keep it down Aqua. Unless you want to get yelled at by our neighbors again."

Aqua turned to find Kazuma laying on a pile of hay with his face hidden behind an orange object. It seemed he wasn't really listening to her at all and just wanted to shush the noise. But to see the former shut-in NEET with a book was... strange, to say the least.

"Hey, what's that? I never would have thought that Kazuma would actually pick up a book."

"That's the first thing you say to me even after I waited until the afternoon? How rude. Whatever... It's a book I found yesterday. Since we didn't go on a quest and I had some time to kill, I walked around the town for a bit. I found this interesting book in a corner stall. Apparently, it's pretty infamous. So I decided to buy it."

Kazuma explained with a twitching eyebrow before he placed a piece of straw to mark his spot in the book. He then stood up and placed the object into his back pocket.

Aqua hummed in response, she didn't really care what the book may be about. Knowing that NEET, it was probably just porn.

"Anyways, it's already past noon. The others are probably waiting for us at the guild."

Kazuma said and left the stable so Aqua could change since she was still in her pajamas.

After the boy left, Aqua began to undress, all the while plotting her revenge.

As Kazuma and Aqua walked through the streets of Axel, they had a few run-ins with some of the townsfolk. As expected, the appearance of "goddess Aqua" was the center of talk amongst the people.

"Good afternoon, Aqua-chan!"

"Thank you for your hard work, mizuru~!"

Kazuma stifled his laughter as the townspeople greeted Aqua. But he was surprised how well kept the girl was acting. He had expected Aqua to blow her top after hearing the odd verbal tic, but she merely smiled cheerfully and waved back.

While it may not have been intentional, her image as a goddess was improved. Heck, she probably gained more worshipers due to that whole scene yesterday. So maybe that girl would start acting more mature from now on.

After greeting a couple more townsfolk, they walked inside and immediately found the other two colorful members of their party.

"Ah, Kazuma and Aqua are here! Shall we gather our mettle and go hunt some toads?"

Darkness asked rather excitedly.

Aqua's cheerful demeanor finally broke as she gained a look of horror and turned to Kazuma, but the boy just shrugged.

Despite Kazuma's disapproval the day before, Darkness and Megumin had ultimately decided to go on the toad hunting quest again.

"Sorry Aqua, but those two wouldn't take no for an answer. Let's just go-"

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