Pranks and Ambushes on a Winter Night

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By the time they left the café, dusk was beginning to draw near. Down the temperature dropped as what little warmth the winter sun gave faded away.

Because of how chilly it was at night during the winter, most of the townsfolk were indoors. The only people that could be seen walking down the dimly lit streets were Naruto, Lynn, and the occasional drunken adventurer stumbling on their way home.

The two were now entering the park. The small field was covered by a thin layer of snow, and with the numerous lights of the nearby lanterns, it almost looked like it was glowing.

On their way over, the two talked about a couple more of Naruto's past pranks. It seemed that Lynn was very interested in the various tricks he had pulled on people, and Naruto was more than happy to share.

"I still can't believe Naruto-sama replaced that priest's soap with paint. Did you get in trouble for going into the woman's bathhouse?"

Lynn asked while stifling her laughter.

"You can't get in trouble if they don't catch you!"

Naruto responded with a smirk, and the two shared a laugh. While Lynn wasn't looking, he glanced around their surroundings. He wasn't sure why, but he was still sensing a Succubus. It was small, so they were probably keeping their distance. He'd have to keep a watchful eye out, for Lynn's sake.

But before that...

"Hey, do you mind dropping the 'sama'? It's really awkward having someone calling me that."

"Oh, no! I couldn't possibly refer to Naruto-sama so... So... Achoo!"

Lynn said in a panicked state before sneezing softly.

Naruto almost smacked himself upside the side when saw this. Of course the girl was cold! It was winter, and her shoulders were showing in that blouse of hers!

Leading the girl to a nearby bench, he brushed off the snow before pulling out the scroll that contained his precious orange jacket from his ninja pouch. In a poof of smoke, he now held the jacket and draped it over the girl's shoulders.

"Here, you can use this. I'll lend it to you until we get you home."

Since he had only just returned from the Snow Sprites quest earlier, he was still in his adventuring getup, and it wasn't like he could lend this little girl a flack jacket full of weapons.

"T-thank you..."

Lynn mumbled as she gripped the jacket tightly, a growing blush staining her cheeks.

"Be sure to take good care of that thing. It's really precious to me."

Naruto said in a mock-serious tone. He meant it as a joke, but the girl seemed to take it seriously as her expression hardened.

"Naruto-sama's precious... I will defend it with my life!"

Lynn stated with determination, causing Naruto to laugh awkwardly.

"You don't have to take it that far... Oh? Is that who I think it is?"

Naruto said when something, or rather someone caught his attention.

Just behind them, a shadowed figure could be seen stumbling down the street. But as the figure passed a nearby lantern, an all too familiar color blue was revealed.

A sly grin formed on Naruto's face.

"Perfect timing... Hey, wanna see something funny?"

He asked, and after receiving a small nod from his female company, he created a single clone.

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