An Unlikely Partnership is Formed

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"So let me get this straight. You're not really interested in the destruction of humanity, so you're just a General for the Demon King in name?"

"That is correct, boy who feels he should be the main protagonist despite needing to be dragged out of his sanctuary every morning. For a devil such as moi, who relishes in the flavors of negative emotions of humans, it would be troubling for moi if thy race were to go extinct."

Everyone had calmed down a little when Vanir revealed that he had no intention of fighting them. Essentially, he was just like Wiz in acting as a General in name to maintain the Demon King's barrier.

Aside from the unnecessary added details from their personal lives that he knew about for some reason, probably due to his alleged "all seeing eyes", Vanir didn't seem to be inherently hostile.

"In fact, moi's favorite emotion comes from changing into a great beauty to make men fall for moi. Only to transform in front of them when things are about to get good and say 'thou thought thy was about to get lucky, but too bad it is moi!'."

"Maybe it would be better just to kill you now, right Naruto?"

"Yeah, we can make it slow and painful."

Everything he said seemed to get under their skin, and especially when the devil spouted nonsense like that.

What a troublesome fellow.

But it was best to just play along for now until they could devise another plan if he chose to attack them in the end.

"You said something about the Demon King asking you to investigate something here? What is it?"

Naruto asked, his eyes clouded in suspicion as he tapped his foot on the ground lightly.

This conversation was making him anxious. Not only did he not trust this suspicious masked man one bit, but he could have sworn Vanir was referring to Wiz when he mentioned another General in Axel. He'd have to interrogate the devil about that in a bit.

'Oh please, you just want to keep fighting this guy. Not that I blame you. Things were starting to get interesting too.'

Kurama chortled, earning an eye roll from its host.

"Ah, yes. Moi was coming to Axel to investigate something at the request of the Demon King, but moi happened to stumble upon this dungeon void of a master. For you see, moi's dream is to create a dungeon with the utmost difficulty for veteran adventurers to attempt. Moi minions and traps will give them a most difficult time until they reach the innermost chamber where moi will be waiting."

Vanir suddenly started telling them about his dream, and the three adventurers found themselves listening intently as his voice rose with enthusiasm.

"'Brave adventurers, if thou want moi treasure. Defeat me, and it is yours!' Is what moi will say, and after a long and grueling battle, moi's crumpled body will fall to the ground. Upon opening moi heavily sealed treasure chest, the adventurers shall find..."

Vanir rose his hands to the air, the unmasked portion of his face shining with glee.

Naruto, Kazuma, and Darkness were basically at the edges of their seats.

"...A sign that says 'thank you for your patronage'. Yes! The blank stares, the disappointment, the most beautiful negative emotions from such an excursion! That is what moi wishes to experience in moi's final moments of consciousness! Fuahahaha! I thank thee for the delicious appetizers!"

"Kazuma, I think it would be best to take this guy out now."

"I agree, as a devout knight who follows the goddess Eris, I cannot let this devil live."

A Shinobi's Take on this Wonderful WorldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon