My Party Will Be-!

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After chatting with Wiz for a little longer, Naruto followed Kazuma and Megumin onto the streets of Axel. They were going in a direction of town that Naruto hadn't explored much, but it was apparently where their new living quarters was located.

"What have you guys been up to while I was gone? Go on any good quests?"

Naruto asked while walking with his hands rested behind his head.

Kazuma snickered. To show off his great achievements to his kohai, that was one of the things he had been looking forward to since coming to this world.

"Fufu... Now that you mention it-"

"This is what I was trying to tell you earlier! Listen here, Naruto!"

Megumin completely cut Kazuma off by running in front of the two boys and striking a pose.

"I, Megumin, whose calling is that of an Arch Wizard, wielder of the ultimate magic that is Explosion, am the winner of our competition!"


Naruto asked while scratching his cheek awkwardly, causing the little girl to falter in her stance.

"Y-you forgot... No matter! Our competition was to see who could defeat a high bounty target first! To which I, with a little help from Kazuma and the rest, defeated a Demon King Army General!"

Megumin declared and flicked her cape, her crimson eyes flaring brightly.

"Oh yeah, I did agree to something like that... Wait... What?"

Naruto's eyes widened when his mind registered the significance of Megumin's words.

'Tch... Little brat stole my bragging card. Oh well, I still have that.'

Kazuma thought with a twitching eyebrow, but he shrugged it off as they approached a large fence. He then motioned to a large building on the other side.

"But that's not all! Our party just recently acquired-"

"Oh, and we got a mansion too."

Megumin casually said and opened the gate that led to the large manner, ushering for Naruto to walk in.

"You little...! I was going to let that lie of yours slide but wasn't it Aqua who-mmf!?"

Kazuma began to say, but he was quickly silenced by the mage.

As Kazuma and Megumin struggled against one another, Naruto shuffled up to the house. His mind was still trying to process what Megumin had just claimed not two seconds ago, and now he was standing in front of a beautiful mansion that they now apparently lived in.

Before he left, Kazuma's party didn't seem very capable. They had highly ranked classes, excluding Kazuma's adventurers job, but their personalities caused way too many problems. Naruto was very aware of this fact, as Kazuma had been complaining about his party's lack of team compatibility every day in the adventurer's guild.

But not only did they defeat a Demon King Army General, but they even managed to obtain a mansion. All before he could even acquire a full party.

Naruto's mind couldn't comprehend the fact that Kazuma and his party of troublesome girls had gotten so far ahead of him in such a short amount of time.


So he screamed.

A series of footsteps could be heard from within the large house and the front door swung open to reveal a familiar mop of blue hair.

"I thought I recognized that voice! Oh my? What's this? Are you so marveled by my mansion that you can't muster a single word? It's quite fitting, isn't it? For a goddess such as myself to be living in such a luxurious mansion that is!"

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