Easy Trial

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With Naruto now off to the side, muzzled and in chains, Kazuma stood alone on the stand in the middle of the court.

After the reveal about the boy's dreams, just about everyone was sending him some scornful looks.

Kazuma tried to ignore their piercing gazes by making himself seem as small as possible, but he could still hear their scorn-filled voices.

"Wow... To think that Kazutrash would actually..."

"I thought those two seemed to be getting along lately, but this..."


The boy trembled as he heard such awful things from the crowd. He wanted to lash out at all of the ungrateful people, and he could have sworn that he heard his party member's voices amongst those whispers.

But Kazuma bit his lip to hold his tongue.

Soon, this would all be over, and he would be able to go home and forget about these shitty sheep who only judged people at face value without getting the full context of the situation.

"With Naruto Uzumaki out of the way, I shall now continue to share my findings."

Sena said before gesturing towards Naruto.

"I have more proof that solidifies my belief that Naruto Uzumaki has been overtaken by this demon. As you may or may not know, powerful devils actually don't have a gender. So, Kazuma Satou, answer me this... Is Naruto Uzumaki without a doubt a male?"

She asked while swapping her stance to point at Kazuma.

Naruto sighed as Kazuma gave the obvious answer. The shinobi was still upset about Kazuma using his sexy jutsu form for his Succubus dream-service, but at least this question would help them get back on track.

After all, Kazuma should know that he was a man after the incident in the mansion's bath-


Naruto's bloodshot eyes locked onto Kazuma, who was doing his best to avert his gaze.


"How the hell am I supposed to know if you're a boy or a girl after that night in the bath!? Your backstory and transformation were flawless, so of course I'm going to be confused! How dare you toy with my innocent heart!"

Kazuma barked, admitting that he really was unsure whether Naruto was actually a boy or a girl at this point.

This guy...!

Naruto wanted nothing more than to choke the life out of his "friend" right now, but there were more pressing matters to concern himself with. Because of all this nonsense, he was beginning to lose face to the crowd.

"They were in the bath together? Gross..."

"Wait, Naruto transformed into a girl? Does that mean that he might actually be a devil in disguise?"

"I'm not even surprised anymore..."

That's right, Sena's "revelations" were starting to turn the adventurers against him. But something was wrong... Not just the people, but Sena was also acting a little weird. He noticed this earlier, but something strange was going on in this court.

Sena, a minor blush on her cheeks, coughed into her hand to regain her composure.

"Guards, remove the muzzle. Naruto, tell me about this transformation ability. Is this something those who come from the 'Hidden Village' are able to perform?"

"Most of us, yes."

Naruto answered while massaging his sore jaw.

"I see... Is this the first time that you have turned yourself into a woman?"

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