God Bless this Wonderful Wedding?

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Ah, Aqua-sama! You have given me a naïve, handsome man to pursue just as I was looking for another excuse to go to Axel... I will not let him escape! -?

After two day's worth of travel by carriage, Naruto found himself standing on a bridge in the middle of a canyon. On the other side of the bridge-

"Woah! This place is amazing! Who knew there would be an oasis in the middle of this desert!"

-was the city of hot springs, Alcanretia.

Naruto leaned over the rails as he marveled at the city with saucer-like eyes. Axel was a nice little town, but this city was massive and beautiful.

'I don't like this place. Let's destroy it.'

Kurama suddenly said, and Naruto almost fell off the bridge.

'Come on, Kurama... we can't suddenly destroy a city we just visited, can we?'

Naruto thought while smiling wryly. But for some reason, he couldn't help but feel like he was forgetting something. Something important...

"What are you doing, Naruto?"

Jiraiya asked after paying the carriage driver for their trip.

"Ah, sorry. Kurama just said he doesn't like this place..."

Naruto responded sheepishly, and the older toad sage shivered at the mentioning of the nine-tailed fox.

"I-I see..."

Jiraiya had been a little more than surprised when Naruto told him that he still had Kurama sealed inside of him, and even more so when Naruto mentioned that they were now friends. Which was to be expected, considering Jiraiya had almost died when they loosened the seal during their training trip.

"So, the mage is in this city? If they're in a place like this, are they a water mage or something?"

Naruto asked, his imagination running wild with the potential combinations he could perform with water magic.

"Nope. We're not even half-way to our destination. I just wanted to pay a friend of mine a visit since we were passing by."

Jiraiya responded as the two began to walk across the long bridge.

"Eh... Then I guess I'll explore the city a bit. Who knows when I'll come back here."

Naruto said with a disinterested look in his eye. Knowing his sensei, his "friend" was probably just another pervert who he exchanged ero-mags with.

"I thought you'd say that, so let me warn you..."

Jiraiya said as the two stopped at the end of the bridge just outside of the town's main plaza. It was rather busy too, with people walking around, browsing at the various food stands. Someone was even standing in front of the fountain in the middle of the plaza handing out flyers.

"Alcanretia, the city famous for its rich hot springs. It is also the Axis Cult's home base."

"The Axis Cult?"

Naruto looked at the fountain in the middle of the plaza and found that in the middle of the water, stood a statue of a figure that resembled a certain loudmouthed Arch Priest he knew.

'Ah, so that's what I was forgetting...'

While Naruto was doing his research on Aqua and the Axis Order, he had learned that Alcanretia was indeed the Cult's infamous headquarters. It just had nothing to do with his prank, so he'd forgotten.

"Home base, or not. This place probably isn't that bad, right?"

Naruto asked and shrugged.

The Axis Cult had a lot of rumors surrounding it, some being that they were dangerous people, but Naruto dismissed them as exaggerations. After all, Aqua may be a little annoying at times, but she wasn't a bad person.

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