Explosion! x2

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'Why is Yunyun crying...? Oh no! I forgot about her again today!'

Naruto thought and ran over to the pair of Crimson Demons. How could he forget to tell Yunyun that he went to Wiz's shop in the mornings before coming to the Adventurer's guild!?

"Honestly, you sure know how to keep a girl waiting Naruto! I've been looking for you all morning, you know?"

Megumin complained while pointing her staff at the incoming shinobi, uncaring of the crying girl at her feet.

"Naruto... san?"

Yunyun sniffled when Megumin said the blonde's name for a second time.

"Yunyun! Are you okay? What happened?"

Naruto asked, ignoring the Megumin and opting to help his party member to her feet.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!"

Megumin barked and stamped her foot on the ground in frustration. If there was one thing that bothered her more than people looking down on Explosion magic, and that was being ignored.


Yunyun mumbled as Megumin fumed at being ignored once again.

Earlier That Morning...

Yunyun had woken up to see that Cecily had already left. Which was strange, since the priestess didn't seem like the morning type when you considered her personality.

Disregarding the nun's absence, Yunyun got up to prepare for her day. She figured she would see Cecily again at the adventurer's guild anyway.

Just the thought of going on another quest with her party made Yunyun excited.

After getting dressed and gathering her gear, Yunyun slowly opened her door and peaked at the room next to hers.

'Naruto-san is staying in that room, right? I wonder if he already left?'

She wanted to knock on the door and ask if he wanted to walk to the adventurer's guild together, but ultimately decided it would be better not to bother him for such a trivial thing.

Making her way to the guild, Yunyun noticed Dust walking in the opposite direction.

'I wonder where that man is off to... Oh well, it's better not to get involved with him if I don't have to.'

Yunyun thought with a nod as she walked up the steps to the guild hall. She entered the building and immediately stuck to the wall to avoid running into any of the people.

Sitting down at the corner table she had grown accustomed to the previous day, Yunyun pulled out a board game. Might as well practice as she waited for Naruto to show up.

'I wonder what kind of quest we'll be going on today? Even though yesterday's quest was easy, it was so much fun...'

The timid girl thought as she placed the pieces onto the table.

"Good morning! Can I get you anything to eat or drink?"

A waitress walked up to the table and asked, startling the mage.

"E-eh? Ah... N-no, not yet..."

Yunyun mumbled while looking at the table shyly.

But wait. What if Naruto was thirsty when he showed up? If she wasn't mistaken, he said his favorite drink was...

"A-actually, I'll take two neroid juices please!"

Three Hours Later...

The neroid juice was already warm, and Yunyun ended up ordering and finishing her breakfast. Did Naruto get caught up in some sort of trouble?

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