Trading a Mage for a Mage

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After having established his newest party member, Naruto went back to the Crimson Magic Village for the night. He and Yunyun agreed to meet at the griffon statue near the front of the village in the morning where they would start their trip back to Axel.

There was a store that was run by a mage who would use the Teleport spell, but Naruto couldn't afford the fee and refused to let his newest party member pay for all of them. Yunyun had insisted, but Naruto eventually convinced her that walking back to the town of beginners would be better, mainly so they could get to know each other along the way and bond as party members.

After parting ways with Yunyun for the night, Naruto had searched for Jiraiya. But unsurprisingly, the old sage was nowhere to be found.

So, as a means of getting back at his good-for-nothing mentor, Naruto decided to stay at an inn and put the bill on Jiraiya's tab. With hermit's name being so well known and the man's apparent constant bragging of his 'blonde haired blue-eyed' pupil, it wasn't hard for Naruto to convince the innkeeper if his identity.

The next morning, before the time of the meetup with Yunyun, Naruto decided to ask a local NEET where he could find Jiraiya. The boy had pointed him in the direction of a hill on the far side of the village.

Apparently, there was a lookout spot at the top of the hill with a telescope that could see into the Demon King's castle.

That got Naruto's attention because he still didn't know what this Demon King fellow looked like.

"Maybe that old geezer really was doing more than just peeping in town... No, there has to be another reason. This is Ero-Senin we're talking about here."

Naruto pondered to himself as he climbed the hill. At the top, there was indeed a telescope. There was a couple people gathered around it, one of which had long spikey white hair.

Time to find out what his sensei ditched him for this time. Was Jiraiya doing actual research on the enemy, or was he up to no good?

"Hehehe... The morning show is as great as ever..."

No good it was then.

Naruto stopped right behind the old man who was ogling thru the telescope while wiggling his fingers in a fashion that was fitting of the name "Ero-Senin".

"What kind of show is it?"

"It's the best kind of show! The Demon King's daughter is drying off her naked body after her usual morning bath."

"Heh~? Is that so? She must be beautiful."

"Of course! That's why I always have to at least stay a night or two in this village! I have to... Wait a second..."

Jiraiya, having slowly recognized the voice behind him, broke into a cold sweat. He slowly turned around and saw Naruto staring at him with an unreadable expression. But it was obvious that the blonde was upset, if the set of knives in his hands were anything to go by.

The Crimson Demons that were huddled around the older man paled upon seeing the blonde shinobi.


"Ah! Wait, take me with you! How could you leave your precious leader behind!?"

Jiraiya swiped at the NEETS that had been with him all morning, but they used the teleport spell and disappeared before he could grab them. The man then tried to make a run for it, but one of the knives that was previously in Naruto's hands wisped past his face and stuck into a nearby tree.

Sweat pouring down his face, Jiraiya did the only thing the great sage could do-

"Please forgive me!"

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