Nuzloft Tournament Part One

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It was the day of the tournament and the gravel streets of Nuzloft were completely empty as most, if not all of its inhabitants were currently located in the arena.

"Welcome everyone, to the third annual Nuzloft challenge!"

The crowd roared as a man wearing a red and black suit shouted into a magic item that projected his voice throughout the massive tent-shaped arena.

"For those who are new to our wonderful village, I am Ryozo, chief and standing Conqueror of Nuzloft! Tell me, good people... Do you know what that means?"

Ryozo introduced himself before whispering the last bit, drawing in his audience's attention.

"It means I am the number one Beast Tamer in the world! So I tell you, good people... Spread my name! Tell the Beast Tamers of the world to come to my village and challenge me for my title as the strongest!"

The chief declared, earning another roar of cheering from the crowd.

'So that's Joe's father.'

Kazuma thoughtfully noted. He and the others had been seated in the front of the audience, courtesy of Joe. But he had to admit, the tent seemed a lot bigger on the inside than it looked on the outside. The entire stadium was easily the size of the baseball field at his old high school, but the outside had made it seem like only a hundred people or so would fit inside.

While not all of the chairs were filled, there were enough spots to seat at least a thousand people around the arena.

Maybe it was another magic item at work? That kind of magical technology was very common in fantasy settings.

The arena itself was a spectacle to see. There was grass, trees, large boulders, and even a river that crossed over the center of the stage. Presumably for the aquatic monsters.

"That was an introduction worthy of your title... As expected of my husband."

A woman with short jet black hair and crimson colored eyes said as she walked up to Ryozo's side. She wore a black sleeveless dress that went to her knees, dark red leggings, and blood red heels. The woman flicked her cape before striking a flashy pose and pointing to the audience.

"I am Aomidori! The number one Summoner of the Crimson Demon Clan! Wielder of Advanced Magic, and wife of the Chief of Nuzloft! Welcome to our show!"

The now named Aomidori declared and her eyes glowed bright red as a magic circle appeared beneath the two.

From the magical space rose a large green demon with two horns growing out of its skull. The creature roared and batted its devilish wings, taking to the air.

As the demon circled back towards the couple, Aomidori raised her hand and chanted something under her breath.

The creature froze in place, its claws mere inches from her throat.

"Contract successful."

Aomidori said and she and the chief stepped onto the demon's hands before bowing, to which the creature carried them into the air.

The audience flew into an uproar of cheers from the Crimson Demon's display of magic.

"What an introduction! Kazuma! We can't lose! Our party needs to come up with an introduction like that! Maybe we can use Aqua's party tricks along with Explosion magic..."

Megumin shouted so her party could hear her over the roaring crowd.

"Huh!? My performances aren't something that can simply be called upon willy-nilly, Megumin. I only perform when it feels right, like during a party with lots of wine!"

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