A Friendly Wager Between Airheads

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"Naruto! Come out and face the hand of god!"

Aqua shouted as she searched the rowdy guild hall for her target. But even as loud as she was, none of the adventurers paid any attention.

Everyone in the guild seemed to have gotten used to Aqua's noisiness.

"Hey, Kazuma. Since Aqua's back, Darkness and I are going to go pick us out a good quest!"

Megumin said and when Kazuma gave her a lazy thunbs up, she and Darkness went to the bulletin board. It's not like they would be missing anything anyway. It was just going to be another one of Aqua and Naruto's arguments.

"Aqua-sama? Oh, could it be that Lady Aqua is in Kazuma-san's party?"

Cecily deducted, drawing the goddess's attention to the group of seven.

"Aqua-sama...? Wait... You don't actually believe Aqua's a goddess, do you?"

Naruto asked when he remembered Cecily was in fact a devote Axis Cult member, and Aqua claimed to be the very goddess of water that they worshipped.

"Aqua-sama is simply Aqua-sama."

Cecily simply responded with a gentle smile befitting that of a nun.


He couldn't tell if the girl was serious, or if she was simply playing along with Aqua's antics.

"Hm? What is one of my precious children doing here? Ah! There you are! How dare you ignore a goddess!"

Aqua asked while tilting her head, momentarily distracted. That is until her eyes fell on Naruto, which caused her rage flare up again.

"What's this? A lover's quarrel, Boss?"

Dust asked slyly while nudging the shinobi with his elbow.


Yunyun thought with eyes big as saucers as Aqua stormed over to their table. Was this another one of Naruto's supposed targets? It would only make sense, as Yunyun felt that any man would chase after a girl with such unnatural beauty.

But what did she mean by "goddess"? Was this the girl that Naruto had mentioned during their trip? The one that had a troublesome personality and a god complex?

"Shut up Dus-Whoa!"

Naruto began to say, but he was forced to lean back in his chair when Aqua finally made it to their table and all but shoved her angry face into his.

"Apologize! Apologize for ignoring me all day, and not thanking me when I so graciously healed you earlier! Do that, and I may just forgive you! Oh, and you have to treat me too now that your back!"

'Too close! What is with these Axis Cultists and sticking their faces so close!?'

Naruto grabbed the girl's shoulders and extended his arms to get her away from his face.

"Y-you're right... I'm sorry for not thanking you for healing me earlier. Thanks for that. But why the hell do I have to treat you!? I'm sick and tired of treating people! I'm going broke, damn it!"

The only things Naruto had spent money on since coming to this world was his room, ingredients for his ramen, and his adventuring equipment. The last thing, which took up more than all of those other things combined, was treating people to alcohol and snacks!

It was time to stop!

"Eh? Naruto isn't rich? Oh my, suddenly you don't quite look as handsome as before."

Cecily said while tapping her cheek and frowning.

Naruto's jaw dropped. That was all it took to turn her off!?

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