A Revelation at this Succubus Café!

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"That should do it."

Naruto said to his clones as they placed the cage that had previously contained the Nido Rabbit onto a carriage. He then turned around to see the wonderful sight that was Aqua and Cecily scurrying around to heal the wounded adventurers.

It took awhile (a good bribe) to get them to take their jobs seriously. But seeing the two Axis Cultists working so hard sure warmed his heart.

A little more than an hour had passed since Naruto issued his challenge to the adventurers, but all of them had either been defeated or forfeited the moment they set foot in the cage.

Of course, there were no refunds.

Some of the people who had chickened out last second didn't take too kindly to this. But they were quick to let it go after Naruto swiftly defeated the Nido Rabbit after the last challenger had left the cage.

Ten-thousand Eris wasn't worth fighting a man who could one-shot a monster that could one-shot you.

Naruto looked at the hefty bag that contained his earnings with a smirk. The plan had worked better than he could have hoped.

"That cloning skill sure is convenient... You should teach it to me when I save up some more points. But anyways, how did you come up with all of this?"

Kazuma walked up to Naruto and asked. Normally, he would complain about being dragged into working so suddenly. But Naruto did say some of the earnings would go towards the debt. Besides, maintaining a line sure beat hunting strong monsters in the snow.

"I was actually going hunt a bunch of those guys for their feet, but we only found three yesterday. Even if I somehow managed to sell all the feet... It just wouldn't be worth the time."

Naruto explained while gesturing towards the empty cage.

"Wait, aren't you selling the feet for four-hundred thousand Eris each? If you sold all of them..."

Kazuma trailed off when he saw Naruto's amused expression.

"No matter how you look at them, those things aren't worth that much. Sure, they increase your luck by a lot. But they're way too big for an adventurer to carry around comfortably. I'd be lucky to get four-hundred thousand Eris for all six feet, if anyone were to buy them at all."

Naruto explained with a shrug.

Kazuma couldn't help but agree. The foot was nearly the size of a person's torso, which would make carrying it around quite a hassle. That's why Naruto used such a high price before riling the adventurers up with a challenge.

Heck, most of the adventurers that showed up probably didn't even need a Nido Rabbit's foot. But they've been lazing around the guild's tavern with their Dullahan reward money and were probably itching for a fight.

After all, they were still adventurers.

Ten-thousand Eris was a small price to pay to satisfy their urge for battle.

There was also Darkness who had played a big part in sinking the deal, but...

"How did you know the adventurers would answer the challenge? This might not mean much coming from me, but they're quite lazy right now since it's winter and they still have money leftover from the victory with the Demon King Army General."

Kazuma asked while trying to keep his voice low enough to avoid picking a fight with one of the so called "lazy adventurers".

"As much as I'd like to claim it was all my idea, the person who came up with this challenge was actually Luna-chan."

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