A Business Venture for these Adventurers

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"There, just ahead..."

Naruto whispered from his crouched position behind a thick bush. Clad in his adventuring gear that consisted of all black clothes and a forest green tactical vest, he blended right into the shadowy brush. Aside from his bright blonde hair, of course.

"I see them... W-what's the plan?"

Yunyun asked from her spot behind a nearby tree. Underneath her dark cloak, she wore her usual black long sleeved buttoned shirt, a red tie resting on her chest, and a pink low-cut skirt with a white trim. She shifted nervously on her brown knee-high adventuring boots.

After all, she was finally going on quests with her party member and friend again! She couldn't mess up!

A good distance from the two adventurers seemed to be nothing more than the deep forest. Tall trees that were in the process of turning a bright green as the season shifted towards spring, with vines dangling from the branches towards the various other plant life.

But any trained adventurer would have seen the small protruding eyes within the green.

The Venus Flytrap.

One of the first notable monsters Naruto had encountered in this world. Notable in the sense that unlike the tiny houseplants one would keep on their windowsill, these carnivorous monsters could eat an entire horse whole.

Naruto smiled to himself in remembrance. It almost seemed like it was yesterday when he was all on his own doing durian quests like this.

Their quest, like the one he had taken at that time, was to collect an abundance of fruits that only the Venus Flytrap grew inside of its body. With Spring around the corner, the farmers were requesting the fruits for their crops as they made good fertilizer.

But due to the rarity of the plants themselves, and the even slimmer chance of one bearing a fruit, the quest was not very popular amongst the guild members.

Thus, Luna made a personal request to Naruto and Yunyun to find some fruits. So far, they had found eight of the ten that had been requested.

"I'll divert its attention, you go for the fruit with your magic. Just no fire spells. We don't want to risk burning the fruit."

The shinobi said to his partner before disappearing in a swirl of leaves.

A loud roar filled the forest a moment later as Naruto was now on top of the beast, driving a strange looking knife into the plant's skin.

Yunyun watched as her party member jumped off of the plant to avoid a vine lashing out at him. It was almost mesmerizing watching the boy move with such inhumane agility and dexterity. She sometimes wondered if Naruto was even human.

But now wasn't the time for such things. She had to focus!

Drawing her silver staff from under her cloak, Yunyun stepped out of her hiding spot and took aim.

But it proved to be quite difficult as she had to be careful not to hit the center of the plant, else risk destroying the potential fruit. Or even worse, she could hit Naruto with her spell.

"There! Light of SabahhHH!?"

Just as she was about to fire her spell, a vine wrapped around her ankle and yanked her into the air. The silver staff clattered to the floor as the mage held onto her skirt for dear life.


Naruto shouted as he dove towards the Venus Flytrap.

There had been a second one? No, the noise they were making must have attracted another monster.

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