My Demons

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She hobbled to the designated location: the pentagram city clock tower, walking with slow calculated steps.

She collapsed by the tower, gazing at it intently with a forlorn expression.

The tall demonic spindly drawing on it was missing, signifying the absence of it's inhabitant at the moment.

She scoffed, gazing at the floor in deep thought as she pondered on her horrible choice of words and decisions.

'Why did i say that ?' She profusely asked herself.

"I f**king hate you Charlie morningstar !"

"Dammit, what kind of a person am i !!" She cursed, slamming her fist on the floor.

Her shadow unknowingly congealed off of her, twisting and turning to take on a transformation.

"Yeah, why did you do that ?" The eerily familiar voice asked.

Her eye opened wide as she assimilated a voice that had only emitted from her lips, coming out of another.

She swiftly turned to gaze at her mirror, whom flashed her a grin in greeting.

She hastily backed away, scurrying away in fear and disbelief at the copy of herself.

"What a- are- ar-" she struggled to ask.

"I'm you." It simply replied, it's mannerism, gait and even mode of speech and conduct perfectly reflecting hers.

"How are you ...?" She asked.

"Out ?" It completed, sauntering closer.

"I've always been there." It confessed.

"Growing bit by bit, until this very moment."

"Influencing every single bad decision you've ever made .... being there during every sinful act you've ever performed ..." it spat out.

Vaggie quirked an inquisitive brow in question.

"You're ... my sins ?" She asked.

The creature nodded with a gleeful smile, placated and happy that she had realized it's significance and importance.

"Yep." It answered.

"That's why angel's are cautioned on indulging in sin." She added.

"My creation ..."

"But how are you ....?" Vaggie pressed on.

"I don't know ..." it replied.

"Maybe it's this sinful environment, your close proximity to this unholy clock tower or the amplification of your grief or something ...." it continued.

"It doesn't matter ...."

"What matters is that i am here, here for you vagatha ~" it gleefully stated.

Vaggie put on a brave face as she stood up from the floor, her weapon left unattended to.

"Game on b*tch." She stated, glaring at the creature intently.

"So ... why did you say it ?" It asked again.

"Do you know how much charlie has done for you ?" It continued.

Vaggie squinted, glaring at her intently.

The creature grasped her tightly, dragging her closer as it spun her in a short dance, summoning a brief image of the aforementioned events.

"When your so called girlfriend took your wings and eye ...." it began, smiling devilishly as vaggie looked on in horror.

"Charlie was there to make sure you stayed alive." It finished.

"But wait, she also took it a step further." It continued, smiling wickedly as it dragged her through multiple dizzying dance steps.

"She also made sure you prospered, had a good home, had a good life, had friends and family while treating you with an abundance of care and love you certainly did not deserve."

Vaggie felt sick, nausea setting in on her as she digested it's statement and followed it's quick dizzying motion.

"It had always been sunshine and rainbows ~" it gleefully added, cackling demonically.

"A heaven found in hell itself." It continued.

"She had never done anything to you without your explicit consent; nothing to give you any reason to distrust or dislike her at all."

Vaggie struggled against her constraining hold, attempting to break free, but failing miserably.

"Yet here she is finally making a mistake at last. A being far from perfect but better than you'll ever deserve in anyway."

"And you say ... you hate her !?" It incredulously asked.

Vaggie opened her mouth to timidly reply but closed it shut in contemplation.

"It was even an act born out of love and admiration for you." It added, glaring at her intently.

It kept quiet, smiling widely as Vaggie fidgetted in discomfort, guilt stricken as she attempted to think of a valuable explanation for her statement.

"You disgust me." It added.

Shock appeared on vaggie's eye as she lurched backwards with a gasp, yellow angelic blood splurting into the air.

Her eye quivered, slowly gazing down at the angelic blade embedded in her torso, driven in place by the creature.

"You deserve to die, you sinful b*tch !!" It stated.

Vaggie muttered muffled sounds and gasps of pain as her blood streaked out from the injury.

The creature smiled, slowly congealing and merging with her once more.

"You killed yourself." It stated, fully merging into her body to reveal her driving the blade into her chest.

Vaggie gazed at her bloodied palm, holding the blade tightly in her chest as she bled out.

She slowly collapsed onto the floor, her eye closing shut as she fell unto the floor back first.

"I'm .... sorry." She genuinely whispered as her vision dimmed to black.


Her eyes opened to gaze at the serene pitch black environment, illuminated only by a single dim light in it's center.

She hastily stood up, touching her left eye in suprise and shock.

She took notice of the absence of her injury and angelic wings.

She turned to gaze at the endless pitch black void that stretched far and wide.

"Hello ....?" She quietly said, waiting for an answer.

No one replied or acknowledged her existence.

She hastily dashed into the environment, trying to ascertain the extend and depth of the foreign dimension at hand.

Her suspicions were confirmed as she returned to the beginning unceremoniously without even noticing it.

She opened her mouth to yell her heart out when a voice cut her off.

"Will you keep it down already." It chided.

"Don't tell me, you've never been in a situation like this deary ?" It asked.

She froze, her eyes opening wide as she heard a voice she had not heard for months on end, a voice she couldn't mistaken anywhere else even though it had altered significantly.

She swiftly swiveled to gaze at the man timidly hurdled in the corner, gazing at her with a smile of acknowledgement.

He looked different from when she last saw him. Dressed in a tight rolled up sleeved red shirt and pristine red trousers followed by black shoes, his demonic features severely diminished.

"Alastor ....?" She greeted with a wavering smile.

Finally finished this ;)

Give me some reviews ;D.

Lute x Vaggie (A hazbin hotel Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora