Are we the sinners ?

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Lute's eyes were hooded, her mind foggy as she walked en route to his mansion.

She had been like this ever since the implications of there actions had fully settled in on her.

"They're just the same as the souls you have in heaven." Charlie's words echoed.

Lute resisted the urge to retch as she remembered her reply.

"They are not the same."

They've been killing souls, people every single year.

Mass genocide for the main purpose of entertainment.

It was a wonder God hadn't thrown every single one of them down yet.

Perhaps he was giving them a chance to right there wrongs.

She could no longer look at herself the same way again, look at her duties the same way again.

They were not the angels of heavenly glorification carrying out God's will.

They were harbingers of death and destruction.

She closed her eyes shut, resisting the urge to retch again as a hand held her in the shoulder.

It massaged it lightly, abating some of her self loathing and disgust.

She turned to lock eyes with vaggie, whom offered to help her go through with it.

By assisting her in breaking the news to him.

Lute smiled grateful with vaggie nodding in return.

A few minutes later and they arrived at there destination.

A tall towering golden story building that could have been more than 1,500 floors in height.

Vaggie whistled in admiration.

"God really spared no expense for the first man did he ?" Vaggie asked.

Lute rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"I assure you." Lute began.

"They are floors he hadn't even stepped foot in till this day."

"The vanity of man." Vaggie replied.

Lute smiled as she nodded in affirmation.

A group of cherub's ran out of the house in a hurry carrying multiple pieces of furniture and junk with them.

Vaggie and lute quickly sidestepped  to give them way.

"Cael." Lute greeted with a smile.

The named cherub stopped at the mention of his name, promptly turning to face her.

"Oh Lute." He answered with a smile.

"Vaggie." He greeted, with vaggie nodded in greeting.

He turned to face lute, gazing at her swollen face intently.

"My God, what happened to you ?" He asked in concern.

"Just a little accident with my toaster." She answered with a smile.

He nodded, evidently not believing her but dropping it regardless.

"What's going on Ceal ?" Lute asked.

The cherub huffed in exasperation.

"That man is having us redecorate every single thing in his home again." He exclaimed.


Lute laughed lightly.

"Is he available though ?" She asked.

Lute x Vaggie (A hazbin hotel Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now