Fallen Angel

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The child halted in front of a dead end, panting for breath as he turned to face her .

His eyes pleading and begging for mercy .

'kill him' her mind urged her .

'You've done far worse than this. '

'He is just like the rest of them :- a filthy sinner ' .

She hesitated, grasping her angelic spear tighter with tension .

He didn't say a word as he awaited her judgement .

Finally she relented, the tension draining from her body as she instructed him to run away .

"Go ... run now " she said .

"Take the path by the left ,you'll encounter less resistance there. "

He quickly scurried ,hastily deserting the dead end as he followed her designated description .

Her solemn eyes followed his departure .

When she was sure he had accurately followed her instructions she turned to continue her hunt .

With a blur ,her vision completely went blank with the onset of immense pain .

She collapsed and wailed ,her palm instinctively reaching for her left eye .

She opened her right eye to witness the plop of her left eye as it dropped onto the floor, promptly stabbed by an angelic blade .

She hadn't even sense the approach of any assailant .

Which could only mean .

"Sinful filth like you doesn't deserve to be in heaven. " a familiar voice called out in the haze of pain .

She was baffled ,shocked beyond measure .

She could put up a decent fight to fend off her assailant but she was too overcomed by shock .

Her assailant deftly grabbed her wings and cleaved them off with a slash .

She bit back a scream as they were swiftly discarded onto the floor .

She turned and gazed at her assailant with pleading eyes .

"You ...." She whispered .

"Why ...".

The exorcist smiled through her mask as she turned and sauntered off towards another silhouette .

Her halo drifted towards the silhouette of her commander as he nodded to the other exorcist .

Her vision slowly flickered and blurred attempting to fail her due to the amount of blood she had lost .

They both turned to flash her one final smile before they sauntered off.

"F**k you " she whispered as she staggered towards a bin by the side .

Her exorcist outfit bursts out into tiny molts of yellow energy leaving her with only a plain white gown symbolizing her new status as a fallen angel .

She could vividly hear the sounds of the annual extermination at it's end phase :-

Woman, men and children screaming , gun's shots being fired by more violence oriented sinners , limbs being hacked and slashed in a brutal orgy of violence .

She slowly lost purchase of her body ,collapsing onto the floor in exhaustion .

Before she could completely lose conscience ,she was briefly aware of a girl approaching.

A girl wearing an expression of intense pity for her condition .

Her explicit display of emotions hinting at a deep understanding of suffering , love and perhaps a deep gullible nature .

Lute x Vaggie (A hazbin hotel Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora