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Blood splashed as Lute dispatched the last sinner of the batch successfully.

She hobbled, striking a balance as she scanned the area warily, searching for any signs of new assailants.

She froze as a green blast flashed sending a demon flying into the air.

She squinted as she took her in, blood streaming out of her wounds as she flew to another building with a blast.

Her eyes opened wider as she recognized her from her relatively short time in hell.

She mouthed the name slowly as she dashed for the location, taking to the skies in flight.

Five exorcists dashed after her as well, moving to provide backup for her when needed.

Vaggie finally took notice of there departure with a raised brow.

"What ARE THEY DOING !?" She asked, as Niffty fidgeted wildly.

"Ooooohhhhww." Niffty moaned in dismay, much to vaggie's suprise.

"You better go after her." Niffty said.

"And leave you behind !?" Vaggie asked.

"No way, I've sure they've just spotted something of interest."

Vaggie froze, her eye opening wide as an exorcist made for her with a thrust.

She batted it away, shock appearing on her features as more followed, attacking her from multiple directions.

She clocked the other on the cheek with a kick, using her spear as a fulcrum.

She sidestepped out of the way as another blitzed behind her, trying to impale her from behind.

Her lips bared in a sneer, as she danced, skillfully deflecting there combined assault.

They were six in number, a sizable amount but nothing she couldn't handle with her already substantial skill, wings and space for maneuverability.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING !?" she asked as she deflected another attack, her eye scanning for Claire.

She was nowhere in sight.

"What we should have done a long time ago." Another replied, as she deflected an attack from vaggie, her mask glitching defectively with a grin.

Vaggie flew out of the way, three jumping to follow after her.

"You are a slight to what we are as exorcists."

"You don't get to decide that." Vaggie replied, as she hopped downwards throwing them off course.

She impaled an exorcist in the shoulder, spurting yellow blood into the air as she cleaved her arm off.

"If Adam finds out what-"

"He won't." Another butted in as she launched attacks of her own.

"We'll tell him you both died to the sinners."

Vaggie quirked a brow at her statement.

"Both ?" She repeated.

"We're taking out the lieutenant as well." The speaker elaborated with a smile.

Vaggie smirked as she slammed her away with a swipe, sending her skidding a few feet back.

"Lute ?" Vaggie asked as she took them all in, one by one.

"You're killing her too ?"

They nodded with a smile, grinning devilishly as they adjusted there positions, there attention falling on Niffty as well.

Vaggie scoffed with a laugh as she surveyed her spear intently.

"I was going for incapacitating you ladies." Vaggie added, as she walked deeper.

"But now ... I'm going to kill every single one of you." She nonchalantly finished, intonating every single word to there assimilation.

There smiles widened as they nodded in agreement.

"Fair enough." The one obviously there leader agreed as they charged for her and Niffty as well.


"It's funny." Angel mused as he dispatched an exorcist with a blast from his gun.

"What is ?" Cherry asked as she flung an explosive, grinning in delight as it exploded, taking three exorcists with it.

"Have you noticed that the stream of angels has tampered off quite a bit ?" He asked.

Cherry scrunched her brow in thought, as pentious obliterated on angel with a blast from his improved death ray, turning her to dust.

"I've noticed too." Husk butted in, as he sauntered forward.

"Coupled with that extremely loud boom a while ago."

Cherry nodded in agreement.

"Something's definitely up." She said.

"I don't want to be optimistic and say the battle is going in our favor." She continued.

"Bad things always happen when you are optimistic."

They all cursed as the floor shook, nearly sending them clattering to there faces.

Angel held on to cherry, with husk begrudgingly holding onto pentious.

The red environment slowly glowed a deep eerie green, painting the once reddish sky of hell an ominous green.

There eye's opened wide as they cued in to the probably cause of the unexplained phenomenon.

All radio towers in the vicinity crackled to life, butressing there suspicions to an undeniably degree.

Alastor cackled, laughing hysterically as he adjusted the knobs accordingly.

"LADIESSS AND GENTLEMEN !!" He greeted jovially much to there dismay.

"Please STAY INDOORS !!"


Husk sneered as they listened onwards.

"TONIGHT, WE UNVEIL THE MAIN EVENT !!" He finished as he cackled further, the broadcast slowly fading back to silence.

"HA ... HA ... HAAA~" his voice slowly wrapped with radio static, fading into the distance.

"Main event ?" Cherry whispered, her features betraying fear for the first.

Husk cursed with a yell, his wings blazing to life with crimson energy as he used magic for the first time.

Angel was suprised at his outburst.


"WE'RE IN REAL SH*T !!" he added.

"Can you elaborate ?" Angel asked, turning to face him.

"I've had my suspicions about that green glow." Husk continued, musing to himself.

"Better hurdle up squad, we're really in it now." He finished.

Give me some reviews ;).

Lute x Vaggie (A hazbin hotel Fanfiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat